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  • In a complex world, evaluation and innovation are essential.

    Director of the UNDP's Independent Evaluation Office, Oscar A Garcia Multilateral development agencies are constantly reforming in order to be relevant and effective in the face of growing volume and complexity in development concerns. As a result, organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have established innovation divisions to explore alternatives and experiment outside of typical operational structures. The UNDP Strategic Plan[1] has as its goal the eradication of poverty, the acceleration of structural reforms, and the strengthening of resilience to crises and shocks in order to achieve sustainable development. This necessitates the development of an innovative and transformative evaluation system. As a result, we're abandoning "linear approaches" to problem-solving in favour of incorporating "systems thinking" into our programming and evaluation. We think that by doing so, we will be able to generate the necessary innovation and reforms to address the complex development concerns of our day.

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    Evaluation sits at the intersection of monitoring and research, producing data based on norms and standards to guide decision-making. Evaluation is inextricably linked to innovation, and vice versa. Evaluation leads to discussions on what works and what doesn't, as well as suggestions for how to improve performance.

    The link between innovation and evaluation has long been a topic of debate. Its application has resulted in significant methodological modernity and diversity, as well as a wide range of innovative techniques and methodologies to address changing needs. Traditional assessment approaches have not always been suitable for enabling innovation learning, according to evaluators[2]. In multilateral development cooperation, however, institutional adoption of innovative methodologies and ideas has remained limited. When framing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems that can support innovation and problem-solving in complex development environments, it is helpful to consider a few fundamental aspects.

    Evaluating for the sake of transformation. When it comes to the many evaluation and data collection methods and methodologies used to guide adaptation, finding a balance is crucial. Typically, these strategies and approaches result in feedback loops and insights that lead to revolutionary change. Stakeholder participation is a valuable source of information that can help to reduce observational biases. Participatory approaches that are culturally sensitive can give light on the complexity and power dynamics that underpin social transformation. Program directors should hire evaluators who can apply the most appropriate methodological technique from among these options.

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