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  • Hello,

    Canceled Cash App to Cash App payments are refunded instantly but may take 1–3 business days if the funding source was a debit card.

    Regards: Sacramento wedding photography

  • Hey,

    If you need to get a cash app refund, there are a few steps you can take to try to resolve the issue:

    Contact the recipient: If you sent money to the wrong person or for the wrong amount, try contacting them first and asking for a refund. If they agree, they can send the money back to your Cash App account.

    Request a refund through Cash App: If you cannot get a refund from the recipient, you can request a refund through the Cash App. Open the Cash App, go to your account, and find the transaction that you want to refund. Tap on the transaction and then tap on the "..." icon. From there, select "Refund" and then "OK" to confirm the request.

    Contact Cash App customer service: If you have tried both of the above steps and are still having trouble getting a refund, you can contact Cash App customer service. Open the Cash App, go to your profile, and then find and tap on "Support." From there, select "Something Else" and then "Contact Support." Explain the issue you are having and request a refund.

    Keep in mind that the speed at which you receive your refund can depend on a variety of factors, such as the payment method you used and the policies of the recipient or Cash App. If you are still having trouble getting a refund, be persistent and keep reaching out to both the recipient and Cash App customer service until the issue is resolved.

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