diff --git a/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.md b/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.md
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+layout: static_page
+title: How to use a remote node in the GUI wallet
+## Finding a node
+First things first, you need to find a node to connect to! [moneroworld.com](https://moneroworld.com/#nodes) has some great resources for finding nodes. One of the easiest methods
+would be to use a node run by moneroworld, but they have a tool for finding random nodes too.
+## Connecting to the node from the GUI wallet
+After you enter your password for your wallet, you will see a pop up that will give you the option to "use custom settings". Click on it. You will then be
+sent to the "Settings" page in the GUI. At this point you should see two text boxes to the right of a label that says "Daemon address". In the first box (the on to the left) you need to enter the address of the node that you want to
+connect to. This address might look like `node.moneroworld.org` or it could look like any old ip address. The smaller box to the right is where you enter the node's port. The default port is `18081` but if you are using a random node the port that is used will vary. The port for node.moneroworld.com uses 18089.
+### Your screen should look a bit like this
+<img src="/resources/user-guides/png/remote_node/remote-node-screenshot.png" width="600">