diff --git a/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be08d09e538135505d7fa9f81d41e517e4d0644..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
diff --git a/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bc4f596093393c8295d4384638d399b45ef265..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
diff --git a/_i18n/ar/technical-specs.md b/_i18n/ar/technical-specs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3241d3bb73100394e5b8cb7ca77ede8eb546a06b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/ar/technical-specs.md
+++ /dev/null
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-<div class="about-monero">
-    <section class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-            <!-- left two-thirds block-->
-            <div class="full col-xs-12">
-                <div class="info-block text-adapt">
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>دون تعدين مُسبق أو تعدين لحظي أو عمله رمزيه</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* لم يكن لمونيرو تعدين مُسبق أو لحظي
-* لم يبيع مونيرو اي عمله رمزيه
-* لم يكن لمونيرو بيع مُسبق بأي شكل
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>تأكيد-العمل</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* كريبتونايت (CryptoNight)
-* رُبما تتغير في المُستقبل
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>إعاده توجيه الصعوبه</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* في كل كتله
-* إستناداً إلي آخر 720 كتله, بإستثناء 20% من القيم الطوليه
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>وقت الكتله</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* دقيقتان
-* ربما يتغير في المستقبل طالما أن منحني الإصدار محفوظ
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>جائزه الكتله</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* تنخفض بسلاسه وإنشاء كتل أكبر من متوسط حجم آخر 100 كتله يخضع لغرامات (M100)
-* أُنظر [آخر كتله](https://moneroblocks.info/) قيمه معامله الأساس للمكافئه الحاليه
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>حجم الكتله</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* متغير, أقصي حد ناتج 2 * M100
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>منحني الإصدار</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* أولاً, المنحني الرئيسي: حوالي 18.132 مليون عمله بنهايه مايو 2022
-* ثم منحني الذيل: 0.6 مونيرو كل دقيقتين, يتم إصدارهم فور إنتهاء المنحني الرئيسي, وتُترجم إلي أقل من 1% نسبه تضخم تَقِل مع الوقت
-* see [charts and details](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/512kwh/useful_for_learning_about_monero_coin_emission/)
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>الحد الأقصي للإِصدار</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* لانهائي
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>خصوصيه الراسل</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* توقيعات-الطوق
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>خصوصيه المُستَلِم</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* العناوين المخفيه
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>تعتيم الكميه</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* معاملات الطوق السريه
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- end right one-third block-->
-        </div>
-    </section>
diff --git a/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be08d09e538135505d7fa9f81d41e517e4d0644..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
diff --git a/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bc4f596093393c8295d4384638d399b45ef265..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
diff --git a/_i18n/de/technical-specs.md b/_i18n/de/technical-specs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f0819a367df5299778e6dfabe11542de76ada28b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/de/technical-specs.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-<div class="about-monero">
-    <section class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-            <!-- left two-thirds block-->
-            <div class="full col-xs-12">
-                <div class="info-block text-adapt">
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Kein Vorabmining, kein Instamining, kein Token</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Monero hatte kein Vorabmining oder Instamining
-* Monero hat keine Tokens verkauft
-* Monero hatte keinen Vorverkauf jeglicher Art
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Proof of Work</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* CryptoNight
-* kann sich zukünftig ändern
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Anpassung der Schwierigkeit</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* in jedem Block
-* basierend auf den letzten 720 Blöcken, exklusive 20% der Zeitstempel-Ausreißer
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Blockzeit</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* 2 Minuten
-* kann sich zukünftig ändern, solange die Emissionskurve erhalten bleibt
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Blockbelohnung</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* sanft abnehmend und abhängig von Strafen für Blöcke, die größer als die Median Größe der letzten 100 Blöcke sind (M100)
-* siehe im [letzten Block](https://moneroblocks.info/) nach der momentan Blockbelohnung
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Blockgröße</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* dynamisch, maximal 2 * M100
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Emissionskurve</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* zuerst die Hauptkurve: ~18.132 Millionen Münzen bis Ende Mai 2022
-* danach: 0.6 XMR pro 2-Minuten Block; entspricht einer Inflation von 1% und über die Zeit weiter abnehmend
-* siehe [Charts und Details](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/512kwh/useful_for_learning_about_monero_coin_emission/)
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Maximale Münzanzahl</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* unendlich
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Datenschutz des Senders</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring Signaturen
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Datenschutz des Empfängers</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Stealth Adressen
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Verschleierung der Transaktionsbeträge</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring Confidential Transaktionen
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- end right one-third block-->
-        </div>
-    </section>
diff --git a/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f964e9f8249b7961d1b3e42c930e82d9d458a7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
diff --git a/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c3fc0decadfc1c57d04a1214aa235d43c637980..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
diff --git a/_i18n/en/technical-specs.md b/_i18n/en/technical-specs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bc87f7c6789e2816fbe61cbe90d956320a0479cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/en/technical-specs.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-<div class="about-monero">
-    <section class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-            <!-- left two-thirds block-->
-            <div class="full col-xs-12">
-                <div class="info-block text-adapt">
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>No premine, no instamine, no token</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Monero had no premine or instamine
-* Monero did not sell any token
-* Monero had no presale of any kind
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Proof of Work</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* CryptoNight
-* may change in the future
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Difficulty retarget</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* every block
-* based on the last 720 blocks, excluding 20% of the timestamp outliers
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block time</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* 2 minutes
-* may change in the future as long as emission curve is preserved
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block reward</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* smoothly decreasing and subject to penalties for blocks greater than median size of the last 100 blocks (M100)
-* see the [latest block](https://moneroblocks.info/) coinbase transaction amount for current reward
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block size</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* dynamic, maximum of 2 * M100
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Emission curve</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* first, main curve: ~18.132 million coins by the end of May 2022
-* then, tail curve: 0.6 XMR per 2-minute block, kicks in once main emission is done, translates to <1% inflation decreasing over time
-* see [charts and details](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/512kwh/useful_for_learning_about_monero_coin_emission/)
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Max supply</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* infinite
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Sender privacy</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring signatures
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Recipient privacy</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Stealth addresses
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Amount obfuscation</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring confidential transactions
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- end right one-third block-->
-        </div>
-    </section>
diff --git a/_i18n/es/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/es/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 31700297fdfa6210672ffcc0466b78a26e600a9e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/es/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-### Sistemas Operativos:  Ubuntu
-- Descarga los [binarios oficiales](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) o compila la última fuente disponible en [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extrae los archivos con el administrador de archivos (igual que Winzip en Windows). Anota dónde se encuentran los archivos "monerod" y "monero-wallet-cli"
-- Sólo necesitas hacer este paso una vez: abre una terminal (ctrl+alt+t) e instala las dependencias requeridas escribiendo: "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". Cuando se pregunte, presiona la tecla Y y después Enter para continuar.
-- Abre una terminal e ingresa la dirección donde fueron extraídos tus binarios (paso 2) escribiendo: "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Carga monerod escribiendo en la terminal: "*./monerod*". Espera por la sincronización con la red (monerod está actualizando la blockchain que has descargado en el paso 4 o la está descargando desde cero). Esto puede tomar mucho tiempo la primera vez, así que sé paciente.
-- Una vez que monerod esté sincronizado con la red, abre una nueva terminal, cambia el directorio (paso 5), y carga monero-wallet-cli escribiendo "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Ingresa el nombre que deseas para tu portafolio y sigue las instrucciones de la terminal
-*Esta es tu llave privada. Escríbela y guárdala en un lugar seguro!*
-*Esta es tu llave de visualización. La necesitas para crear un monedero de solo visualización (guía de usuario asociada)*
-*Esta es la dirección de tu monedero*
-- Para salir de monerod o monero-wallet-cli sólo escribe "*exit*" en la terminal asociada
-Ahora, para acceder al portafolio que acabas de crear tendrás que abrir monerod, esperar a que se sincronice con la red, abrir monero-wallet-cli y escribir el nombre de tu portafolio y tu contraseña.
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-## Cómo adquirir Monero
-Esta es una guía para obtener tu propio Monero, a 20150919. Este es quizá el método más fácil de comprar y guardar Monero.
-####Paso 1: Comprar Bitcoin
-Hay muchas formas de comprar Bitcoin. Quizá la forma más fácil es a través de circle.com. Una vez que hayas comprado algo de Bitcoin, ¡estás listo para comprar Monero! Comprar Bitcoin es sencillo. Ve a circle.com y sigue las instrucciones ahí.
-####Paso 2: Configura una cuenta mymonero.com
-MyMonero.com es un monedero online para Monero, mantenido por el desarrollador central de Monero, Ricardo Spagni (fluffypony). Es el monedero más fácil de usar. Simplemente ve a MyMonero.com y haz clic en el botón "Create an Account".
-Después de hacer clic, verás tu clave privada. Esta llave es lo que te dará acceso a tus fondos. ¡Nunca compartas esta clave con nadie!
-Escribe tu clave privada en el espacio mostrado, y haz clic en el botón
-En la siguiente página, podrás ver tu dirección.
-Copia tu dirección en el portapapeles seleccionando toda la cadena y presionando Ctrl+C (o el menú Edit, Copy), o presionando el pequeño icono al lado de tu dirección. Guarda tu dirección en algún lugar. Con ella otros usuarios podrán enviarte Monero, y será lo que utilizarás para depositar Monero en tu cuenta.
-#### Paso 3: Compra y transfiere Monero a tu nueva dirección
-Ve a www.shapeshift.io. En el lado derecho de la pantalla, haz clic en el icono de recibir (Receive) para seleccionar Monero.
-Pega tu dirección en el campo bajo el logo de Monero. Acepta los términos marcando el botón correspondiente (agree to terms) y presiona Start.
-En la nueva pantalla que saldrá, copia la dirección de depósito en el portapapeles (seleccionar y Ctrl+C o editar-copiar)
-Regresa a la página circle.com, presiona el botón de transferir (transfer), y pega la dirección de Bitcoin en el campo.
-Ingresa la cantidad de Bitcoin que deseas gastar.
-Recibirás un código de verificación por mensaje. Ingresa el código y presiona en enviar.
-Verás el cambio en Shapeshift a "awaiting exchange"
-¡Después cambiará a COMPLETE!
-Después de un tiempo lo verás en tu cuenta de Monero
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-### Système d'exploitation :  Ubuntu
-- Téléchargez les [binaires officiels](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) ou compilez les dernières sources disponibles sur [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Décompressez les fichiers avec le gestionnaire d'archive (comme avec Winzip sur Windows). Notez le répertoire dans lequel les fichiers "monerod" et "monero-wallet-cli" se trouvent
-- Vous n'aurez besoin d'effectuer cette étape qu'une seule fois : ouvrez un terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) et installez les dépendances requises en tapant : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". Lorsque cela vous sera demandé, tapez sur les touches O (ou Y sur une installation en langue Anglaise) puis la touche Entrée pour continuer
-- Ouvrez un terminal et déplacez-vous dans le répertoire où les binaires ont été extrait (voir l'étape 2) en tapant : "*cd répertoireÉtape2 *"
-- Lancez monerod en tapant la commande suivante dans votre terminal : "*./monerod*". Patientez le temps de la synchronisation avec le réseau (monerod met à niveau la chaîne de blocs que vous avez téléchargé à l'étape 4 ou la télécharge intégralement). Cela peut prendre un très grand moment, alors soyez patient.
-- Une fois monerod synchronisé avec le réseau, ouvrez un nouveau terminal, changez de répertoire (voir l'étape 5) et lancez le portefeuille CLI en tapant "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Entrez le nom que vous souhaitez pour votre portefeuille et suivez les instructions du terminal
-*Voici votre clef privée. Notez-là et conservez-là en lieu sûr !*
-*Voici votre clef privée d'audit. Vous en aurez besoin pour créer un portefeuille d'audit. (voir le guidu utilisateur associé)*
-*Voici l'adresse de votre portefeuille.*
-- Pour quitter le portefeuille CLI tapez simplement "*exit*" dans le terminal correspondant.
-À partir de maintenant, pour accéder au portefeuille que vous venez de créer, vous aurez besoin de démarrer monerod, d'attendre qu'il soit synchronisé avec le réseau, de lancer le portefeuille CLI, et de taper le nom de votre portefeuille et son mot de passe.
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-## Comment obtenir Monero
-Voici un guide pour obtenir vos propre Moneroj datant du 9 Septembre 2015. Il s'agit peut être de la façon la plus simple d'acheter et posséder des Moneroj.
-####Étape 1 : Acheter du Bitcoin
-Il y a différentes façon d'acheter du Bitcoin. La plus simple est peut-être via circle.com. Une fois que vous avez acheté du Bitcoin, vous êtes prêt à acheter du Monero ! Acheter du Bitcoin se fait directement. Allez sur circle.com et suivez les instructions qui s'y trouvent.
-####Étape 2 : Créer un compte mymonero.com
-MyMonero.com est un portefeuille en ligne, maintenu par Ricardo Spagni (fluffypony), l'un des développeurs principaux de Monero. C'est le portefeuille le plus simple à utiliser. Contentez-vous d'aller sur MyMonero.com et de cliquer sur le bouton "Create an Account".
-Après avoir cliqué sur le bouton, votre clef privée sera affichée. C'est cette clef qui vous donne accès à vos fonds. Ne la partagez avec quiconque !
-Saisissez votre clef privé dans le champ en dessous et cliquez sur le bouton.
-Sur la page suivante se trouve votre adresse.
-Copiez votre adresse dans le presse-papier en la sélectionnant en totalité puis en effectuant un Ctrl+C (ou menu éditer > Copier), ou cliquez sur la petite icône à coté de votre adresse. Sauvegardez votre adresse quelque part. C'est grâce à elle que d'autres pourront vous envoyer des Moneroj, et vous l'utiliserez pour déposer vos Moneroj sur votre compte !
-#### Step 3: Acheter des Moneroj et les transférer sur votre nouvelle adresse
-Allez sur www.shapeshift.io . Sur la droite de l'écran, cliquer sur l'icône en dessous de "Receive" pour sélectionner Monero.
-Collez votre adresse dans le champ sous le logo Monero. Sélectionnez le bouton "agree to terms", puis cliquez sur "Start"
-Sur la nouvelle fenêtre qui se présente, copiez l'adresse de dépôt dans votre presse-papier (sélectionnez-là et faites un Ctrl+C ou edition> copier)
-Retournez sur la page circle.com, cliquez sur le bouton "transfer" collez l'adresse Bitcoin dans le champ
-Entrez le montant en Bitcoin que vous souhaitez dépenser.
-Une demande de confirmation va s'afficher. Entrez le code de validation et cliquez sur send.
-Vous verrez shapeshift passer à "awaiting exchange"
-Puis cela passera à "COMPLETE!"
-Après un moment, vous le retrouverez sur votre compte Monero
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-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
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-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
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-### Besturingssystemen:  Ubuntu
-- Download de [officiële binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) of compileer de nieuwste broncode die beschikbaar is op [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero).
-- Pak de bestanden uit met Archiefbeheer (hetzelfde als Winzip in Windows). Noteer het pad waar de bestanden "monerod" en "monero-wallet-cli" staan.
-Deze stap hoef je maar één keer uit te voeren. Open een terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) en installeer de vereiste afhankelijkheden door het volgende te typen: "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". Druk wanneer erom gevraagd wordt op de toets Y en vervolgens op Enter om door te gaan.
-- Open een terminal en laad het pad waar de binaries zijn uitgepakt (zie stap 2) door het volgende te typen: "*cd jePadUitStap2*"
-- Laad monerod door dit in je terminal te typen: "*./monerod*". Wacht totdat monerod is gesynchroniseerd met het netwerk. (De blockchain die je bij stap 4 hebt gedownload wordt bijgewerkt, of de blockchain wordt vanaf het begin gedownload.) De eerste keer kan dit lang duren. Even geduld alsjeblieft.
-- Wanneer monerod is gesynchroniseerd met het netwerk, open je een nieuwe terminal, wijzig je de directory (zie stap 5) en start je monero-wallet-cli door "*./monero-wallet-cli*" te typen.
-- Voer een naam in voor je portemonnee en volg de instructies in de terminal.
-*Dit is je privésleutel. Schrijf deze sleutel op en bewaar deze op een veilige plek!*
-*Dit is je alleen-lezen sleutel. Deze heb je nodig om een alleen-lezen portemonnee te maken (zie de gebruikershandleiding daarover)*
-*Dit is het adres van je portemonnee.*
-Typ "*exit*" in de gebruikte terminal om monerod of monero-wallet-cli af te sluiten.
-Je kunt de portemonnee die je net hebt gemaakt als volgt openen: start monerod, wacht totdat de node is gesynchroniseerd met het netwerk, en typ de naam van je portemonnee en je wachtwoord.
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-## Hoe koop je Monero?
-Dit is een handleiding voor het aanschaffen van je eigen Monero, geschreven op 19 september 2015. Dit is wellicht de eenvoudigste methode om Monero aan te schaffen en te bewaren.
-#### Stap 1. Koop Bitcoin
-Je kunt op allerlei manieren Bitcoin kopen. De makkelijkste manier is wellicht via circle.com. Nadat je Bitcoin hebt gekocht, kun je Monero gaan kopen. Bitcoin kopen is niet moeilijk. Ga gewoon naar circle.com en volg de instructies daar.
-#### Stap 2. Open een account by mymonero.com
-MyMonero.com is een online portemonnee voor Monero, beheerd door Monero Core-ontwikkelaar Ricardo Spagni (fluffypony). Het is de gemakkelijkste portemonnee om te gebruiken. Ga gewoon naar MyMonero.com en klik op de knop "Create an Account".
-Nadat je op de knop klikt, wordt je privésleutel weergegeven. Deze sleutel geeft je toegang tot je geld. Geef deze sleutel nooit aan iemand anders!
-Typ je privésleutel in het onderstaand vak en klik op de knop.
-Op de volgende pagina wordt je adres weergegeven.
-Kopieer je adres naar het klembord door het te selecteren en op Ctrl+C te drukken (of menu Bewerken en Kopiëren) of door op het kleine pictogram naast je adres te klikken. Sla je adres ergens op. Hiermee kunnen anderen Monero naar je verzenden en kun je Monero in je eigen account storten.
-#### Stap 3. Koop Monero en boek het over naar je nieuwe adres.
-Ga naar www.shapeshift.io. Klik aan de rechterkant van het scherm op het pictogram onder "Doel" om Monero te selecteren.
-Plak je adres in het veld onder het Monero-logo. Schakel het selectievakje "Ik ga akkoord met de voorwaarden" in en klik op "Transactie starten".
-In het nieuwe scherm dat wordt weergegeven kopieer je het stortingsadres.
-Ga terug naar de pagina op circle.com, klik op de knop "Transfer" en plak het Bitcoin-adres in dit veld.
-Voer in hoeveel Bitcoin je wilt besteden.
-Je ontvangt een verificatiecode in een SMS-bericht. Voer de code in en klik op Send.
-Je zult zien dat de status van Shapeshift verandert in "In afwachting van omwisseling".
-Daarna verandert het in "VOLTOOID!"
-Een tijdje later zul je de betaling in je Monero-account zien.
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-<div class="about-monero">
-    <section class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-            <!-- left two-thirds block-->
-            <div class="full col-xs-12">
-                <div class="info-block text-adapt">
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Geen premine, geen instamine, geen token</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Er is geen premine of instamine van Monero geweest
-* Monero heeft nooit een token verkocht
-* Er is geen enkele presale of voorverkoop van Monero geweest
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Proof of Work</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* CryptoNight
-* Kan in de toekomst veranderen
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Herberekening moeilijkheidsgraad</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ieder blok
-* Gebaseerd op de laatste 720 blokken, maar zonder de 20% kortste en langste tijden
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Bloktijd</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* 2 minuten
-* Kan in de toekomst veranderen, maar de uitgiftecurve verandert niet
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Beloning per blok</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Neemt gelijkmatig af, met een malus voor blokken die groter zijn dan de mediaan van de laatste 100 blokken (M100)
-Zie de coinbase-transactie in het [laatste blok](https://moneroblocks.info/) voor de huidige beloning
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Blokgrootte</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Dynamisch, maximaal 2 * M100
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Uitgiftecurve</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Eerst de gewone curve: ~18.132 miljoen coins eind mei 2022
-* Daarna de blijvende uitgifte: 0,6 XMR per blok om de 2 minuten, nadat de gewone uitgifte klaar is, wat een steeds verder dalende inflatie van < 1% oplevert
-* Zie [grafieken en details](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/512kwh/useful_for_learning_about_monero_coin_emission/)
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Maximale geldhoeveelheid</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Oneindig
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            Privacy afzender
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring-handtekeningen
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Privacy ontvanger</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Stealth addresses
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Verborgen bedragen</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Vertrouwelijke ring-transacties
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- end right one-third block-->
-        </div>
-    </section>
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-### Systemy operacyjne:  Ubuntu
-- Ściągnij [oficjalne pliki binarne](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) lub skompiluj ostatnie dostępne źródło na [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero).
-- Wypakuj pliki za pomocą programu do zarządzania plikami (takim samym jak WinZip w Windowsie). Znajdź ścieżkę z plikami "monerod" i "monero-wallet-cli".
-- Ten krok jest jednorazowy: otwórz terminal (ctrl+alt+t) i zainstaluj wymagane zależności, wpisując: "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". Kliknij Y, aby potwierdzić i Enter, aby kontynuować.
-- Otwórz terminal i załaduj ścieżkę, gdzie wypakowane zostały pliki binarne (zobacz drugi krok), wpisując: "*cd yourPathFromStep2*".
-- Załaduj monerod, wpisując w terminalu: "*./monerod*". Zaczekaj na synchronizację z siecią (monerod aktualizuje łańcuch bloków, który ściągnąłeś w kroku 4 lub ściąga go od zera). Za pierwszym razem może to zająć dużo czasu, więc bądź cierpliwy.
-- Kiedy monerod już się zsynchronizuje z siecią. otwórz nowy terminal, zmień folder i uruchom funkcję monero-wallet-cli, wpisując: "*./monero-wallet-cli*".
-- Wpisz nazwę, którą chcesz nadać swojemu portfolio i postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami terminala.
-*To jest twój prywatny klucz. Zapisz go i zachowaj w bezpiecznym miejscu!*
-*To jest twój klucz widoczności.
-This is your view key. Potrzebujesz go do stworzenia portfela tylko do wyświetlania (zobacz także: powiązany przewodnik dla użytkowników).*
-*To jest adres twojego portfela.*
-- Aby wyjść z monerod lub monero-wallet-cli, wpisz "*exit*" w powiązanym terminalu.
-Aby otworzyć nowoutworzone portfolio, uruchom funkcję monerod, poczekaj na jej synchronizację z siecią, uruchom funkcję monero-wallet-cli i wpisz nazwę swojego portfolio oraz hasło.
diff --git a/_i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
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index fe38cd95288207bf2d02691be015b09d687b8361..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
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-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-## W jaki sposób nabyć Monero?
-To jest przewodnik dotyczący nabycia Monero według stanu na dzień 19 września 2015 roku. To prawdopodobnie najprostsza metoda na zakup i posiadanie Monero.
-####Krok 1: Kup Bitcoin
-Istnieje wiele sposobów na zakup Bitcoina. Być może najłatwiejszym z nich jest poprzez circle.com. Po zakupieniu Bitcoina jesteś gotowy na nabycie Monero. Kupowanie Bitcoina jest proste. Przejdź do strony circle.com i postępuj zgodnie z tamtejszymi instrukcjami.
-####Krok 2: Załóż konto na mymonero.com
-MyMonero.com jest portfelem Monero on-line, utrzymywanym przez głównego dewelopera Monero - Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). Jest najłatwiejszym protfelem w użyciu. Po prostu przejdź do strony MyMonero.com i kliknij na "Create a new account".
-Po kliknięciu, zobaczysz swój prywatny klucz. Za jego pomocą masz dostęp do swoich środków. Nigdy nie ujawniaj tego klucza nikomu!
-W okienku poniżej wpisz swój prywatny kod i kliknij przycisk.
-Na następnej stronie zobaczysz swój adres.
-Skopiuj swój adres, zaznaczając całość i klikając ctrl+c (lub Kopiuj w menu Edytuj) lub klikając w małą ikonkę obok twojego adresu. Zanotuj swój adres. Za jego pomocą będziesz otrzymywał przelewy i wpłacał Monero na swoje konto!
-#### Krok 3: Kup Monero i przelej je na swój nowy adres
-Przejdź do strony www.shapeshift.io. Po prawej stronie ekranu kliknij na ikonę pod przyciskiem "Receive", aby wybrać Monero.
-Wklej swój adres w pole pod logiem Monero. Zaznacz opcję "agree to terms" i kliknij "Start".
-W nowym oknie skopiuj swój adres depozytowy (zaznacz i kliknij ctrl+c lub Kopiuj w menu Edytuj).
-Wróć do twojej strony circle.com, kliknij w "Transfer" i wklej adres Bitcoin w odpowiednie pole. Wpisz kwotę w Bitcoinach, którą zamierzasz wydać.
-Otrzymasz kod weryfikacyjny w wiadomości tekstowej, wpisz go i kliknij "Send".
-Status zmieni siÄ™ na "Oczekuje na wymianÄ™".
-A następnie zmieni się na "Ukończone".
-Po jakimś czasie będziesz mógł zobaczyć Monero na swoim koncie.
diff --git a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
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--- a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
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-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
diff --git a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
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-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
diff --git a/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f964e9f8249b7961d1b3e42c930e82d9d458a7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
diff --git a/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
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-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
diff --git a/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be08d09e538135505d7fa9f81d41e517e4d0644..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
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-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
diff --git a/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
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--- a/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
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-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
diff --git a/_i18n/tr/technical-specs.md b/_i18n/tr/technical-specs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bc87f7c6789e2816fbe61cbe90d956320a0479cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/tr/technical-specs.md
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-<div class="about-monero">
-    <section class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-            <!-- left two-thirds block-->
-            <div class="full col-xs-12">
-                <div class="info-block text-adapt">
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>No premine, no instamine, no token</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Monero had no premine or instamine
-* Monero did not sell any token
-* Monero had no presale of any kind
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Proof of Work</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* CryptoNight
-* may change in the future
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Difficulty retarget</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* every block
-* based on the last 720 blocks, excluding 20% of the timestamp outliers
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block time</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* 2 minutes
-* may change in the future as long as emission curve is preserved
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block reward</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* smoothly decreasing and subject to penalties for blocks greater than median size of the last 100 blocks (M100)
-* see the [latest block](https://moneroblocks.info/) coinbase transaction amount for current reward
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block size</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* dynamic, maximum of 2 * M100
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Emission curve</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* first, main curve: ~18.132 million coins by the end of May 2022
-* then, tail curve: 0.6 XMR per 2-minute block, kicks in once main emission is done, translates to <1% inflation decreasing over time
-* see [charts and details](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/512kwh/useful_for_learning_about_monero_coin_emission/)
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Max supply</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* infinite
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Sender privacy</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring signatures
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Recipient privacy</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Stealth addresses
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Amount obfuscation</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring confidential transactions
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- end right one-third block-->
-        </div>
-    </section>
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be08d09e538135505d7fa9f81d41e517e4d0644..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bc4f596093393c8295d4384638d399b45ef265..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
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-{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %}
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-### Operating Systems:  Ubuntu
-- Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)
-- Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are
-- You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue
-- Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"
-- Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronization with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient
-- Once monerod is synchronized with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"
-- Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal
-*This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*
-*This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*
-*This is the address of your wallet*
-- To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal
-Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronized with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.
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-{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}
-## How to obtain Monero
-This is a guide to obtain your own Monero as of 20150919. This is perhaps the easiest way to purchase and hold Monero.
-####Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
-There are many ways to buy Bitcoin. Perhaps the easiest way is through circle.com. Once you have purchased some Bitcoin, you are ready to buy some Monero! Buying Bitcoin is straightforward. Please goto circle.com and just follow the instructions there.
-####Step 2: Set up a mymonero.com account
-MyMonero.com is an online wallet for Monero, maintained by Monero Core Developer Ricardo Spagni (fluffpony). It is the easiest wallet to use. Simply go to MyMonero.com and click on the "Create an Account" button.
-After clicking the button, you will see your private key. This key is what gives you access to your funds. Never share this key with anyone!
-Type in your private key in the box below, and click the button.
-On the next page, you will see your address.
-Copy your address to the clipboard by highlighting the whole thing and hitting ctrl+c (or edit menu, copy), or clicking the little icon next to your address. Save your address somewhere. This is how others will send Monero to you, and what you will use to deposit Monero into your account!
-#### Step 3: Buy Monero and transfer the Monero to your new address
-Go to www.shapeshift.io . On the righthand side, of the screen, click icon under "Receive" to select Monero.
-Paste your address into the field under the Monero logo. Select the "agree to terms" button, then hit "Start"
-In the new screen that pops up, copy the Deposit Address into your clipboard (select and hit ctrl+c or edit-copy)
-Go back to your circle.com page, hit the "transfer" button, and paste the Bitcoin address into the field
-Enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to spend.
-You will get a text message verification code. Enter code and hit send.
-You will see the shapeshift change to "awaiting exchange"
-Then it will change to COMPLETE!
-After a while you will see it in your Monero account
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-<div class="about-monero">
-    <section class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-            <!-- left two-thirds block-->
-            <div class="full col-xs-12">
-                <div class="info-block text-adapt">
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>No premine, no instamine, no token</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Monero had no premine or instamine
-* Monero did not sell any token
-* Monero had no presale of any kind
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Proof of Work</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* CryptoNight
-* may change in the future
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Difficulty retarget</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* every block
-* based on the last 720 blocks, excluding 20% of the timestamp outliers
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block time</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* 2 minutes
-* may change in the future as long as emission curve is preserved
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block reward</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* smoothly decreasing and subject to penalties for blocks greater than median size of the last 100 blocks (M100)
-* see the [latest block](https://moneroblocks.info/) coinbase transaction amount for current reward
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Block size</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* dynamic, maximum of 2 * M100
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Emission curve</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* first, main curve: ~18.132 million coins by the end of May 2022
-* then, tail curve: 0.6 XMR per 2-minute block, kicks in once main emission is done, translates to <1% inflation decreasing over time
-* see [charts and details](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/512kwh/useful_for_learning_about_monero_coin_emission/)
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Max supply</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* infinite
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Sender privacy</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring signatures
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Recipient privacy</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Stealth addresses
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <div class="col">
-                            <h3>Amount obfuscation</h3>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-<div markdown="1">
-* Ring confidential transactions
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- end right one-third block-->
-        </div>
-    </section>
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-layout: user-guide
-title: "Creating a Monero wallet"
-permalink: /resources/user-guides/create_wallet.html
-  - "1"
-  - "1"
-  - "0"
-{% t global.lang_tag %}
-{% tf resources/user-guides/create_wallet.md %}
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--- a/resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md
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-layout: user-guide
-title: "Easiest way to buy Monero"
-permalink: /resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.html
-  - "1"
-  - "1"
-  - "0"
-{% t global.lang_tag %}
-{% tf resources/user-guides/easiest_buy.md %}
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