Add "General Fund" Viewkey to the page
Currently the page shows the general fund address, but it doesn't show the viewkey for this address.
To see the viewkey you pretty much need to know it's at Github, part way down this page:
I would suggest that for the CSS homepage, in the footer, where the text says:
"Donate to the Monero Project
By donating to the following Monero address (General Fund), you are supporting the Monero Project. If you wish to donate to a specific proposal, please see Funding Required."
We add underneath something like: "To view donations to this address, use the viewkey: f359631075708155cc3d92a32b75a7d02a5dcf27756707b47a2b31b21c389501"
The viewkey is already public - just not necessarily easy to find. Having it here would improve transparency - which should encourage donations. Also view keys are a powerful feature of Monero that ought to be demonstrated and taken advantage of!
Let me know your thoughts?