diff --git a/Lovera-Create-Educational-Content.md b/Lovera-Create-Educational-Content.md
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+layout: fr
+title: Create Educational Content in Spanish
+author: Lovera
+date: November 06, 2021
+amount: 13,5
+  - name: December
+    funds: 33.33% (XMR 4.5)
+    done: 
+    status: unfinished
+  - name: January
+    funds: 33.33% (XMR 4.5)
+    done:
+    status: unfinished
+  - name: February
+    funds: 33.33% (XMR 4.5)
+    done:
+    status: unfinished
+  - date:
+    amount:
+  - date:
+    amount:
+  - date:
+    amount:
+### Introduction
+Hello friends and Monero Fam, Lovera Here!
+This is my second funding request for my work and I want to be as transparent as possible.
+I am seeking funding from the community to working on Monero related projects all days full time. 
+Im truly thankful for all the support i have received from the community and my sponsor Cakewallet.
+Currently I work a little less part-time on monero projects (Videos, guides, website,etc), mainly due to the fact that 
+I have to dedicate time to my work (9-17). Actually the Monero News in my main YouTube channel (5 Videos per month) are 
+sponsored by Cakewallet. Also i have another sponsor (localcryptos) that support my content for Monero, Bitcoin and mining
+But if I am going to dedicate myself full time to Monero and quit my job, I will need much more, so the plan is to take the 
+leap full-time.
+### Who?
+I'm Lovera, creator of satoshilov.com and YouTube Channel LoveraTV
+I'm a big fan, support and contributor of Monero. 
+Since 2019 I am actively sharing educational content about Monero on my social networks. I’m creating educational videos about Monero, writing guides and tutorials in Spanish. I also translate into Spanish everything related to Monero and post it on my website.
+You can check my Guides and articles here:
+* [Monero Blog](https://satoshilov.com/monero/)  
+And my Videos about Monero
+* [Monero Videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGX_LoM5yemgt3ppLXvNBKYf6IuFI7BPS)
+* [Monero News Videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGX_LoM5yemgVhlwCEn_Z5m0LPMxQgNZj)
+* [Monero Pods](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGX_LoM5yemhq5KMyPeUr6JzJSqkqjzHL)
+### ¿What is the proposal about?
+I just created an independet YouTube Channel (LoveraXMR) where i will share Monero only content
+At the same time, i will share this content (with some little modifications in the video) in my main channel (LoveraTV) 
+To reach a greater number of users. 
+### Milestones and projected schedule
+LoveraXMR YouTube Channel
+* Go From 30 to over 1k Suscribers on YouTube
+* Created 4 short Videos per month about Monero News (weekly)
+* Created 4 Short Video per month (Q&A) about Monero
+* Created at less 2 Video Tutorial about Monero per Month (Wallets, GUI Wallet, Node in differents OS, etc)
+* Created 1 Video per month in format Podcast with some members of Spanish Community
+* Created at less 1 Video per month About Monero Mining and promote descentralized p2pool 
+* Continue to improve our studio and production quality
+LoveraTV YouTube Channel 
+* Go From 9k to over 15k sucribers on YouTube
+* Created at less 1 Video Tutorial per month About Monero (Same (with some modifications) or different than the one published
+ in XMRLovera)
+* Refer users in each video sponsored by cakewallet (LoveraTV) to the videos created in XMRLovera
+Satoshilove (Website)
+* Create quality educational content by my self for the Spanish-speaking community. The objective is to transmit the benefits, 
+characteristics and importance of Monero for financial privacy, through guides and articles. (at less 2 per month)
+* Translate and publish in my web site important and valuable articles and guides from diferents Monero Community ussers (At less 2 per month)
+* Translate into spanish and publish in my web site every MRL meeting Logs 
+* Work in Moneropedia in satoshilov.com/moneropedia 
+* Translation articles, news and other materials into Spanish and publish in satoshilov.com
+* maintance of the site 
+### Why it is important for Monero and the community?
+Monero is an incredible project, but there are many false beliefs and ignorance about it in the Spanish-speaking community. By 
+providing more quality content in Spanish, we will be able to raise awareness in the Spanish community about the importance of 
+financial privacy, about the importance and role that Monero plays in our financial activity.
+### How much and Payouts?
+A good work must be paid or rewarded, specially if this contribute to a good cause. Payment on first days of every month during 3 months for my upcoming work 
+7$ / hour / 1.10- XMR a week or 4,5 XMR per month for 160 hours of work, Usually I spend much more time for my work
+ (about 10 hours a day).
+ In total: 4,4 XMR per Month 13.5 XMR for three months starting from December.