Mining outreach
layout: fr
title: Mining Outreach
author: moneraministo
date: 02/09/2020
amount: 40
- name: Milestone 1 - Contact 100 Data Center Providers
funds: 25% (XMR 10)
status: unfinished
- name: Milestone 2 - Contact 200 Data Center Providers
funds: 25% (XMR 10)
status: unfinished
- name: Milestone 3 - Contact 300 Data Center Providers
funds: 25% (XMR 10)
status: unfinished
- name: Milestone 4 - Publish Report
funds: 25% (XMR 10)
status: unfinished
- date:
- date:
- date:
- date:
Greetings everybody!
Thank you for considering my CCS proposal.
I am a passionate member of the Monero community looking to make an impact to the best of my abilities.
While personally mining for Monero is beneficial, I believe I can have a bigger impact of the ecosystem by spreading the word of our new hashing algorithm. I believe there is a huge untapped potential for hash power in underutilized data-centers around the world. I want to reach out to these hundreds of data centers informing them about the potential for profit during off-hours or downtime. I will do this by personally sending out emails and phone calls to these data service providers and serve as a first contact point for assistance in installing and operating their rigs.
The network hashrate is an obvious indicator of the vitality of any cryptocurrency network. As the first CPU-oriented hashing network, it is imperative that we capture as much of the CPU market before another network captures this computational power. In terms of security, this could potentially provide a huge upside in network hashrate. I also personally believe that the value of a cryptocurrency is closely, if not directly, tied to the computational power dedicated to its security. These reasons are why I believe the Monero society would benefit greatly from this proposal.
The Proposal and Milestones
3 Milestones consist of contacting the following 291 data service providers. I plan to contact approxiamtely 3 each day and to complete the entire outreach project in 3 months time.
1&1 IONOS Inc.,1547 Critical Systems Realty,165 Halsey Street,365 Data Centers, 4D Data Centers,6x7 Networks,910Telecom,Agile Data Sites, LLC,AIMS Data Centre SDN BHD, Airtrunk,AIS Technology Services,Alco Properties - The Pittock Internet Exchange, Aligned Energy,Altus IT,Amanah Tech Inc.,Amazon AWS,Anacondaweb,Anexio,Apple Inc., Aptum Technologies,AQL,Ascent Data,Ascenty,Atlantic Metro Communications,, bics,Binary Net,Brussels Data Centre,BSO Network,BT Group,Bytemark,Canada Cloud Data, Carrier Colo,Cascade Divide Data Centers,Cavern Technologies,CE Colo,CenterServ, CenturyLink,CERN,Charlotte Colocation Center,China Mobile,China Telecom,China Unicom, Civicos Networking,Cloud4C,CloudSouth,cloudtrek,Cogent Communications,Colo Atl, olocation America,ColoCrossing,Cologix,ColoGuard Enterprise Solutions, LLC,ColoHouse, Colohub,Colo Locker,Colospace,Colovore, LLC,Colozueri,Colt,Comarch Data Centers, Connecteria Hosting,COPT Data Center,CoreSite,C-Spire,CtrlS Datacenters LTD,CyrusOne, Platinum Provider,Cyxtera,Damamax,DataBank,Data Canopy,Datacate, Inc,Data Centre 220, Data Foundry,Data Holdings LLC,Data Place,DATASITE,DBT Data,DCI Data Centers, Dedicated Solutions,DhakaColo,DigiPlex,Digital Fortress,Digital Realty,Directlink Technologies, Docklands Data Centre,Dorabase,DSM,ebrc,EdgeCore Internet Real Estate,Element Critical, Empire Hosting,Engie Agility Cofely Data Center,enzu,Epsilon Telecommunications,Equinix, e-shelter,eStruxture,euNetworks,Everstream,Evocative,Evolve IP,Evoque Data Center Solutions, EvoSwitch,Excalibur Technology,Expedient,Experis,Facebook,Faction,FiberHub,FirstLight, Flexential,Frontline Data Services,GDS Services,GIGA Data Centers,GleSYS,Global Switch, Google,Go Rack,GPX Global Systems, Inc,Green House Data,GTT,H5 Data Centers,Hetzner, Hivelocity,HopOne Internet Corp,Host Color,,HOSTKEY,Hurricane Electric, IBM,iland,Immedion,INAP,Interconnect Miami , LLC,Internet Solutions,Interxion,Involta, IP House,IPR Secure,IPXON Networks,Irideos,Iron Mountain,iSeek,iTel Networks Inc., IT Solutions Group,IWB,Ixcellerate,Ixreach,Keystone Nap,KRAMBU,LCL,LDeX Group,LeaseWeb, LFC Hosting,LightBound,LightEdge,LIM DC,Limelight Networks,Limestone Networks,Liquid Web,L iteWire Data,Lumos Networks,MadeIt,ManagedWay,Matrix IBS,Maxihost Datacenter, MDC Data Centers,MDI Access,Mead Group,Metanet Hosting,Micron21,MicroSerum, Microsoft,Midwest Energy & Communications,Mosaic Data Center,Mountain West Technology Networks, myLoc Managed IT,Nautilus Data Technologies,NaviSite,Netrality Data Centers,Netrepid, Netshop ISP,Netwise,Neutron,Neutrona Networks International,New Cloud Networks,NewTelco, NexTDC,NikHef,Ntirety,NTT Communications,NX Data,NYI,One Data Center America, One Neck Solutions,Open Data Centers,Opus Interactive,Orange Telecom (Orange Business), Otava,OVH,Pars Online,Pavel Comm,PhoenixNAP,PIPE Networks,Polaris Data Centre, Prime Data Centers,Provision Data Services,Psychz Networks,Q9,QTS,Quadranet, Quonix,RACK59 Data Center,Rack Lodge,Racks Central,Platinum Provider, Rackspace,Racksquared Data Center,Raging Wire Data Centers,RETN,Roller Network, Sabey Data Centers,Scale Matrix,Sentinel Data Centers,ServerCentral,Server Farm, Serverius Connectivity,Servers Global (BitRiver),Shatter IT,SIfy Technologies Limited, Silicon Valley Web Hosting,Singtel,Sirius,Site B Data,Skybox Datacenters,SMS Data Center, SpeedBone,Stack 41,STACK INFRASTRUCTURE,Steadfast,Storage Pipe,Stream Data Centers,Sungard, Superloop,Surf,Swisscolocation SA,Switch Data Centers,Synoptek,T5 Data Centers, TATA Communications,Telefonica,Telehouse,Telepoint,Telia,Telstra,Teraco Data Environments, The BluePrint IT,Thin-nology,TierPoint,Tonaquint,Total Server Solutions,TPx Communications, TRG Datacenters,TSR Solutions, Inc.,TTC Teleport,TurnKey Internet,UnitedLayer, US Secure Hosting Center,US Signal,Vancis,Vantage Data Centers,Vazata,Viatel,Visual Hosting, Vocus Communications,Vodafone,Vodien,Volico Data Center,Volta Data Centres,Voonami LLC, Voxility,vXchnge,Web Werks,Westin Building Exchange,White label It Solutions, WiredRE,WowRack,Xfernet,Your DC,zColo,Zenlayer.
After completing the initial contact of all data service providers, I plan to write a report on the findings and responses from these groups.
How much and Payouts
.1 XMR per contact
- Milestone 1: 100 Contacts - 3/9/20 - 10 XMR - Share emails of first 100 datacenters
- Milestone 2: 200 Contacts - 4/9/20 - 10 XMR - Share emails of next 100 datacenters
- Milestone 3: 300 Contacts - 5/9/20 -10 XMR- Share emails of final 100 datacenters
- Milestone 4: Project Report - 5/15/20 - 10 XMR
In total:
40 XMR
Merge request reports
This is a cool idea. I've also had this idea regarding running a datacenter and backfilling the idle CPU time with mining. Most of the people renting this hardware probably only use a fraction of the CPU time.
Do you plan on converting this to a more sustainable model? I.e., you would charge a fee? Or will you eventually just create an online how-to so that anyone running a VM hosting service can set it up?