What's the name of your business?
What's the URL of the website? referral links and/or trackers are not accepted
Write a description of your business/service (in few words)
*<ENGLISH: AGRsicurezza supports small medium enterprises across their business, looking in particular at Risk Management Services. AGRsicurezza operates as Business Consultant, Health and Safety at Work, Training and Project Management Services.
ITALIANO: AGRsicurezza supporta le piccole e medie imprese nell’ambito dell’operatività aziendale, guardando in particolare alle attività di Enterprise Risk Management. AGRsicurezza opera in ambito consulenziale, Salute e Sicurezza del Lavoro, Formazione del Personale e Project Management.>*
Is it specified somewhere on the website that you accept Monero?
Yes -
How do you accept Monero? (choose only one option)
Monero integrations ( -
Globee -
Native wallet -
Other payment gateaway (Coinpayments, Morphtoken, etc. Please specify)
How would you categorize your business? (choose only one option)
Exchange -
Block Explorer -
Payment Gateway -
Library and Helper -
Tool -
Service -
Goods -