*The topic of __Baby Sleep Experts__ is puzzling. Lets try to make it easier to understand.*
Newborns sleep about 16 hours a day, usually in 3- to 4-hour periods. Your baby needs to eat every few hours, which is why she doesn’t sleep for longer periods of time. Your baby may get cranky or overtired if she doesn’t get enough sleep. Nestle next to your baby and breastfeed or bottle-feed him off to sleep. The smooth continuum from a warm bath, to warm arms, to warm breast, to warm bed is a recipe for sleep to soon follow. Your baby will likely set (at least part) of his own sleep schedule: He might be an early riser and like to eat as soon as he wakes up, or he may like to sleep in and eat later in the morning. Either one is perfectly fine — babies vary as to how much sleep they need, and when they need it. If you’re like most new moms, a good night’s sleep shimmers in your weary mind like a mirage in the desert. No wonder sleep struggles are the number one behavioral grumble of parents. Where your baby sleeps is a matter of personal choice, and some parents prefer their baby to go into their own room from the start. There are many advantages to keeping the baby closer, though. It makes night feeds easier; babies cry less if they know you are close by; and the combined benefits of peace of mind and proximity can help you to get more sleep too. As any new parent knows, frequent feedings, diaper changes and walking the halls with a fussy baby can make sleeping soundly at night nearly impossible. While taking care of yourself can be a challenge when you have a newborn, making sure you get enough shuteye needs to be a priority.

Naps are beneficial for your little one’s mental development and can help improve mood. The right amount of nap time during the day can even help your child fall asleep at night. And, nap times can also give you a much-needed break. Help them bond with a security object – choose a baby blanket or stuffed animal and keep it near you for a while, so it takes on your comforting smell. If you’re breastfeeding, you could even try expressing some breastmilk onto a small piece of muslin, then popping it in their cot. Babies have a strong sense of smell, so if they wake suddenly, your familiar smell may help them settle again. A large study of evidence from across Europe found that the risk of sudden infant death was greatly reduced when babies slept in the same room as their parents. This is why The Lullaby Trust recommends keeping your little one close by for the first six months, even for day time naps. You can’t always be 100% sure of what is causing your child to wake. If it is a sleep regression, the good news is that it’s usually temporary and your baby will start to sleep better again soon. A sleep consultant will take a holistic approach to create a sleeping system that you can manage and one which takes into account [gentle sleep training](https://thedaddysleepconsultant.com/gentle-sleep-training/) as well as the needs of the baby and considerations of each family member.
## Helping Your Newborn Sleep
There may be a simple solution that doesn’t involve taking your baby for middle-of-the-night car trips around the neighborhood. Ready? The secret to helping your child get those essential ZZZs may just come down to creating a regular nighttime schedule. Going to bed early is easier said than done, especially when you have a newborn and you still have washing, ironing and other household jobs to do. Everyone says ‘nap when your baby naps’ but for some people, this just doesn’t happen. In some families, a later afternoon nap and a later bedtime is more practical. Familiar bedtime rituals set the baby up for sleep. The sequence of a warm bath, rocking, nursing, lullabies, etc. set the baby up to feel that sleep is expected to follow. The chance of SIDS is particularly high for babies who are sometimes placed on their front or side. If your baby rolls onto their tummy, you should turn them onto their back again. Once your baby can roll from back to front and back again, on their own, they can be left to find their own position. Few children go to bed without some struggle and adjustment. It's rare that a child sleeps in his own bed by himself without a lot of prompts and learning to stick to rules that don't change. Sleep consultants support hundreds of families every year, assisting with things such as [sleep regression](https://thedaddysleepconsultant.com/sleep-regressions/) using gentle, tailored methods.
Make sure that your cot has a clean, firm mattress that leaves no gaps between the mattress and the cot. Ensure that the mattress sheets are snug so there is no loose bedding, this will help to keep your baby safe while they sleep. There is some evidence to suggest that bringing in a mattress from another home might increase the risk of sudden infant death very slightly. When using your own mattress for a second (or more) time, ensure it is still firm and flat with no tears or holes, and is not sagging in places. Thoroughly clean the waterproof layer and ensure the mattress is clean and dry before making it up with fresh bed clothes. It’s important that you put your baby to sleep on their back, unless your doctor has said otherwise based on medical reasons. Lying your baby down in that position is one of the best ways of making sure they drift off as safely as possible. Children who are placed awake in their crib and put themselves to sleep (self-soothe) are less likely to wake during the night and cry for an adult. Even if your child is not waking during the night right now, falling asleep independently at bedtime is an important step towards preventing night wakings as she grows. Sleep routines such as controlled crying and gradual withdrawal have had trends in the UK in recent years but they do not have a place in responsively caring for a baby. Babies should not be left to cry themselves to sleep. Whether its something specific like [4 month sleep regression](https://thedaddysleepconsultant.com/what-is-the-4-month-sleep-regression/) or really anything baby sleep related, a baby sleep consultant can guide you to find a sleep solution as individual as your baby is.
## Baby Sleep Problems
You need to help your baby understand this. You do this by socialising as little as you can at night. Save stimulating social interaction for daylight and evening hours. Attend to your baby and feed in low light overnight. Also avoid rushing to the cot at the first sign of stirring. Your baby may well resettle if left for a moment or two. If a child is accustomed to falling asleep with a pacifier and is not able to reinsert it when they wake up, they will call for help. If you don’t help, you are setting them up for failure, because they will continue to wake and cry, since they need that assistance to fall asleep. If you do help, they are still relying on you to fall asleep, which means that you are not actually sleep training them. When coaching parents who are shifting from bed sharing to putting their baby in the crib at night, it’s important that they see the entire picture. Sometimes a parent needs to keep some sleep associations in the beginning of coaching (e.g., feeding to sleep), and then once baby is finally sleeping in the crib, they work on less night wakings. Co-sleeping with baby is very much a personal choice so we would just advise you to read all the information on safer co-sleeping so you can make an informed decision. That way even if you decide not to co-sleep you can make your bed a safer place for your baby if you doze off accidentally. If you’re a new parent, you’ll know firsthand how difficult it is to soothe a baby to sleep when you yourself are feeling sleep-deprived11. Many caregivers find that the best time to grab a few winks is when the baby is sleeping, even if this means napping during the day. Don’t be afraid to reach out to family and friends for help taking care of the baby if you feel overwhelmed. For [sleep training](https://thedaddysleepconsultant.com/sleep-training-methods-the-pros-and-cons/) guidance it may be useful to enlist the services of a sleep consultant.
Babies vary a lot in how long it takes them to develop regular waking and sleeping times. But if you’re worried about your older baby's sleep, you could have a chat with your health visitor about it. Most babies eventually learn to sleep on a regular schedule. The amount of time this takes varies from baby to baby. However, healthful sleep practices, a nighttime ritual, a regular schedule, breastfeeding, and safe sleep strategies can help a baby establish their routine earlier and remain asleep longer. Some babies are so revved up during the day that they have trouble winding down at night. Place your baby in a baby sling and wear her around the house for a half-hour or so before the designated bedtime. When she is fully asleep in the sling, ease her out of the sling onto her bed. Babies rely on the security and comfort of being close to their parents and need this at night as well as during the day. Hunting for a fresh sheet after your baby soaks his nappy or spits up is miserable in the middle of the night, and turning on the lights can wake baby up more fully, meaning getting them back to sleep can take an eternity. Instead, double layer ahead of time. If you need guidance on [ferber method](https://thedaddysleepconsultant.com/ferber-method-sleep-training/) then let a sleep consultant support you in unlocking your child's potential, with their gentle, empathetic approach to sleep.
## Solving Problems With Loving Consistency
A consistent bedroom temperature of around 70 degrees F is preferable. Also, relative humidity of around 50 percent is most conducive to sleep. Dry air may leave baby with a stuffy nose that awakens him. Yet, too high a humidity fosters allergy-producing molds. A warm-mist vaporizer in your baby’s sleeping area helps maintain an adequate and consistent relative humidity. This can especially help during the winter months. (And, the “white noise” of a consistent hum may help baby stay asleep.) If your baby has been in your bedroom until six months old, it might be a good moment to move her into his own room; it’s amazing how often adults can wake older babies up even just by turning over in bed. We all sleep best in a cool room, including babies. Aim to keep your thermostat between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit to give your baby the most comfortable sleep. If her fingers feel chilly, that's normal. Get more info about Baby Sleep Experts at this [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep) web page.
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