Hello, my dear followers, colleagues, and friends!
v1docq47 is here!
And this is my new funding request for my work.
### Who?
I am [v1docq47](https://github.com/v1docq47), member of [XMR.RU team](https://xmr.ru/members/50/).
Since September 2017 I translate into Russian everything related to Monero. I’m doing Russian dubbing and creating various videos about Monero for Monero Russian Community YouTube channel.
I active contributor in [Monero Localization](https://translate.getmonero.org/user/v1docq47/) and [Monero Outreach workgroups](https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/outreach-docs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+v1docq47).
This is the shortlist of my Monero localization works: