-name:Milestone 1 - Completion of GUI Wallet and monero-site Translation to Persian
funds:14 XMR
-name:Milestone 2 - Completion of Monero Means Money (subtitles) Translation to Persian
funds:11 XMR
-name:Milestone 3 - Completion of Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) Translation to Persian
funds:12 XMR
# About this Proposal
Translation of the [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/), [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/), [Monero Means Money (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/monero-means-money/) and [Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/sound-money-safe-mode-subtitles/) to Persian.
# About Me
Hello my name is Kayson, a Monero enthusiast. I have been around in the cryptocurrencies space since 2018. I have translated many crypto wallets and websites to Persian.
Recently (about one month ago) I translated Monerujo wallet to Persian.
### Links
-[Persian translation of Monerujo wallet (related to Monero)](https://github.com/kysn/xmrwallet/tree/Persian-translation/app/src/main/res/values-fa)
-[Persian translation of Hush lite wallet (not related to Monero)](https://github.com/MyHush/SilentDragonLite/blob/master/res/silentdragonlite_fa.ts)
-[Persian translation of Hush android wallet (not related to Monero)](https://github.com/MyHush/SilentDragonAndroid/blob/master/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml)
# Why?
According to Wikipedia, Persian/Farsi is spoken by approximately 70 million native speakers and roughly 110 million people worldwide. This reason is enough to take the Persian translation into consideration.
# Milestones and Projected Timeline
## Milestone 1 - Completion of GUI Wallet, monero-site Translation to Persian
Complete translation of the [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/) and [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/).
Comprises of 14,469 words, which equals to 14 XMR.
Timeline: 12/2/2021 - 25/2/2021
## Milestone 2 - Completion of Monero Means Money (subtitles) Translation to Persian
Complete translation of the [Monero Means Money (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/monero-means-money/)
Comprises of 11,689 words, which equals to 11 XMR.
Timeline: 26/2/2021 - 5/03/2021
## Milestone 3 - Completion of Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) Translation to Persian
Complete translation of the [Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/sound-money-safe-mode-subtitles/)
Comprises of 12,404 words, which equals to 12 XMR.