luigi1111 authoredf466ee11
layout: cp
title: Boog900 full time work on Cuprate, the Rust Monero node (2 months)
author: Boog900
date: August 03, 2023
amount: 130
- name: Consensus rules up to RingCT
funds: 53 XMR
done: 27 October 2023
status: finished
- name: All Consensus rules up to present
funds: 53 XMR
done: 10 January 2024
status: finished
- name: Consensus Rules document
funds: 24 XMR
done: 10 January 2024
status: finished
- date: 5 November 2023
amount: 53
- date: 26 January 2024
amount: 77
Cuprate is a WIP Rust Monero node that SyntheticBird45 started back in Feburary, I joined the project not long after that, but sadly me and SyntheticBird have not been able to spend much time on it. Even more sad is that recently SyntheticBird decided to stop working on Cuprate for personal reasons that I will not get into here.
This CCS is to support me working on Cuprate full time for the next 2 months, In this time I will complete
the transaction/ block verification. While doing this, I will also create a consensus rules
document, which
will document all of Moneros consensus rules from genesis to the current rules.
Currently, Monero only has one node written in C/C++, many would see this as an issue. Having only one implementation makes us more vulnerable to implementation bugs, having another node will help us to spot and fix these issues.
monerods code is also a bit of a mess, as many devs who have worked on it would agree. Cuprate is a fresh start and is built with modularity in mind which will lead to a cleaner and easier to understand codebase.
Having a consensus rules
document will make it easier for developers to build software to interact
with Monero. It will also make it easier to spot potential issues with consensus rules.
I am Boog900, the current, and now solo, maintainer of Cuprate.
For an overview of the design see here
What Has Been Done
The peer-to-peer code is mostly complete; I have implemented levin headers, the epee binary format and all p2p messages. I have also done the p2p address book, individual peer request routing, handshakes and pruning calculations.
Blockchain Data
I made a PR to monero-serai adding decoding/encoding/hashing of legacy transactions and blocks so this is complete.
Consensus Checks
There is still a lot to do here, but monero-serai has already done verifying for bulletproofs(+) and CLSAG. My PR to monero-serai also contained an unverified MLSAG verify function and a WIP Borromean range proofs function.
The initial database abstraction is complete, and we have defined the tables (we have copied monerod for the moment). We have also created the methods to add and get blocks and transactions from the database.
Still to-do: We need to investigate the database schema for optimizations.
We need to implement/ get ready for production verifying for MLSAG, borromean range proofs and V1 ring signatures, there are other checks we need to do, but these are the big ones. As Monero does not have a protocol document, we will have to go through monerod to find every check it performs and do them in Cuprate.
Cuprates consensus checks will be grouped together in a single location, so they are clear and not spread around the codebase,
they will also reference the consensus rules
document at every check. If some checks are done elsewhere, for example some are done at
deserialization, we will either duplicate the check or, if its expensive, we will put a comment referencing the check and the
consensus rules
in the single location.
We also need to create bindings for Moneros legacy CryptoNight POW algorithms and select a Random-X binding. There is a Rust Random-X implementation, which we plan to implement as an option, but we won't enforce it as it lacks review/ usage.
As our P2P/ database code still needs some work, we will be using monerods RPC interface to test the code.
All code produced for this CCS will be licensed under MIT.
consensus rules