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Second BP+ Audit by JP Aumasson

Justin Ehrenhofer requested to merge sgp/ccs-proposals:bp+_jp into master
layout: fr
title: Bulletproofs+ Audit 2
author: Justin Ehrenhofer
date: 28 February 2021
amount: 63
  - name: Bulletproofs+ Final Report
    funds: 63
    status: unfinished
  - name:
    status: unfinished
  - date:
  - date:

I am opening this CCS proposal on behalf of JP Aumasson for a second audit of Bulletproofs+. Payout will be to him directly in XMR. Bulletproofs+ make Monero transactions faster and more efficient.

JP's SoW: First audit from ZenGo:

JP will build upon the previous audit and code changes resulting from it. Audits are critical for Monero's code security. Bulletproofs+ are a drop-in replacement for Bulletproofs, and they will remain useful for future Monero improvements like Triptych.

I would like to thank the companies who submitted a SoW for this second audit. I would also like to thank the other members of the Monero Audit Workgroup, who coordinated an audit with companies entirely on its own for the first time.

JP is available effectively immediately after the CCS funds are raised to begin the audit.

Cost breakdown:

  • Audit amount: $12,500
  • Buffer (10%): $1,250
  • Total: $13,750
  • XMR ($205): 63
Edited by Justin Ehrenhofer

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