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I am currently building a Python-Flask based server for managing a monero wallet, allowing users to make transactions (incoming and outgoing), create accounts, manage payments, exchange cryptocurrency, and other functions in an anonymous, sovereignity-defiant way. This project is designed to run on most VPS's, regardless of location, regulation, and persecution.


I intend to accomplish this by building a web server that accepts commands from clients (either a GUI, a native app, API calls, or a custom application built with the API), using multiple security protocols to guard the privacy and anonymity of users.


The cryptocurrency space, and the mainstreaming of crypto-anarchy has created a plethora of opportunities for people to begin leaving the traditional financial establishment, which has been rife with protectionism, violence, and greed. Creating financial tools that base on open source technology allows disadvantaged and underserved people to take advantage of tools (namely: offshore banks) that have been utilized by the "crème de la crème" forever.


This project is designed to run on any VPS or webhosting service that accepts flask apps. This makes it possible to "OK" transactions that never happen on the soil of your country.


I am a certified Python developer with more than a year of experience, and have worked with plenty of OOP languages. The milestones are listed above. I am asking for 15 XMR, at a price of $270 = 4050. I intend to work atleast 30 hours a week, for 10 or more weeks, at around $12 (or less depending on other costs) an hour = $3600. ATLEAST $450 will go to the payment of a frontend developer (hopefully inside the Monero/Crypto community). and any remaining monero + independant donations will go to maintance investments (like troubleshooting volunteers, I.M. server hosting), bounties for addons trending in the community, or returned to the general fund.

  • as a prerequisite, i've built a very primitive version of this application. This application has the capability to fetch the incoming and outgoing transaction info, keys, account balances, and to make payments. Since it is a mockup at best, it has no security features, no Authentication or Authorization, and runs on the Testnet. Please do not attack the site in any way, as to allow others to view it. If the site is showing an "Internal Server Error", it is because I have disabled the RPC server. site :

  • source code :

  • interested regardless of CCS? message me on reddit @masterofdead4

This Proposal will expire on the 1st of July. If it is Ok'd by then, I will only begin development then. in the event of expiration, I will post a lower-ambitioned, similar project with a shorter timeframe and lower funding target.

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