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"Getting to grips with Monero" - Mini series


Hi all,

After some careful consideration we've decided to put together a proposal for the CCS. We now believe that this is probably the best method for garnering both community support and input.

Getting to grips with Monero

We're here to pitch our first mini series. The working title for which is 'Getting to grips with Monero'

For those of you who are not familiar with our work, please check out our latest video, Mining Monero with P2Pool - Windows; Quick start guide. We are really pleased with the reactions we've received and would love to capitalise on our current enthusiasm.

The mini series/playlist we propose to curate will contain 4 videos, each of varying length and on different subjects. They are: Importing public keys and verifying hashes, Setting up your own node, Using Monero as money and Using Monero with enhanced privacy.

We believe this series would be a great starter pack for anyone getting into monero and would help lift some more of the strain when on boarding new users. Let's summarise the contents of each video to illustrate.


Importing public keys and verifying hashes

First we plan on explaining a little bit about PGP, why its useful and its history and its links to cryptography. That will be followed by an introduction to GPG, with step by step instructions for: creating your own key pair, importing someone else public key, signing their public key (brief explanation about web of trust) and using a public key to verify signatures. Finally, an example of using that to verify sums and comparing those sums to those of the files we will download.

Setting up a node

In this video, we want to both explain what a node is and their importance to the network and show how to download and run the monero daemon. Included will be basic explanations of: how to interact with the monero daemon, setting up your own config, the difference between a full and pruned node, locating the lmdb folder/changing and specifying its location. We also want to show how to connect to a node from within a LAN and explain the concept of a remote node.

Using Monero as money

Here we would like to show how to: create a wallet, show where wallet file is located and explain the difference between the different keys. Following this would be a guide for connecting to a remote node in the case one cannot run their own. Including hidden services over tor. Next: an explanation of how transactions are sent and how long they take (inlcuding locked funds), how to set up sub addresses (explain why they are usful/best practice). We would also like to show a practical examples of how ask for and send funds (we want to show an IRL payment online @, how to prove and verify proof you have sent or received funds and finish with a quick intro to payment ids/integrated addresses.

We are still considering showing something with the cli, at this point it will all be demonstrated with monero-wallet-gui

Using Monero with enhanced privacy

In this video we want to explain how to connect to your own node from outside of your LAN. It will be necessary to explain how to forward ports on both your firewall and router and what the default ports are for the wallet and p2p network (we're still considering showing a router example, so far we're against it). Explanation of why VPN is useful, what it does and does not do. With our purchased VPN subscription from the 'using monero as money' video, we want to show how to forward ports on their service and how to change the default ports for those already discussed.


Our scripts will be hosted on github for review, prior to production -

Currently we already have one script that is yet to receive any comments.


We will be working on this series part time for approximately 20+ hours per week. It is planned for completion within 6 weeks; ready for when friends and family gather over new years!

The amount we're asking for is reflected by a rate of $25/h less ~1XMR for what we have already raised through our bounties propsoal.

Thanks for taking the time to read this proposal and peace be with you privacy fans.

Edited by monero guides

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