Merge request reports
Asking the question many in the community will want to know the answer to:
How useful would this be for the production of DIY firearms?
Edited by monerobullI see some major problems here:
This seems very unrelated to the Monero project. Maybe you should just use normal crowdfunding instead of the Monero crowdfunding system which is meant to fund Monero related stuff. What would be the benefit of this community when we fund you ? How are you planning to make up for it ?
This kind of EBM machine is not that easy to build. Typically the devil hides in the details and this will probably a several year journey until it is a real functioning product. I would expect to see some actual concept at least (plans, part lists and so on) before I consider to put money into it. Have you a verifiable history of successfully developing 3D-Printers or other comparable SLS systems ?
Have you thought about safety regulations and operating licenses ? In most western countries you cant just sell a device like that to consumers. The operating of strong electron beams and higher laser classes need to fulfill requirements which typically only companies are capable of complying.
Based on whats currently provided to judge on I have to say that I am against funding this proposal.