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Translation of Sound Money, Safe Mode into German

monero bull requested to merge (removed):master into master


I've noticed the German Sound Money, Safe Mode subtitles just turn into English after about 3 minutes, which is why I want to complete the Translation.


Me, monerobull. Active in the Monero community for about 1.5 years, mainly known for my work distributing guerilla marketing stickers and being annoying in the dev matrix channel from time to time.


Id be pretty annoyed if I sat down to watch a 1 hour talk on Monero, only to find out the language I speak is only translated for the first 2 minutes.

Milestones and timeline:

Keeping it simple, 1 milestone: finished translation. I am asking for 6 XMR. Based on the 11,000 untranslated words and 220€ per coin that comes out to 0.12€ per word. Timeline: 90 days

Expiration: May 15, 2022

Edited by monero bull

Merge request reports
