j-berman full-time part 3
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- Finish the background sync mode that enables scanning for txs without a spend key. My code is [here](https://github.com/j-berman/monero/commit/238ea538f218ad447808c6806386a73bb1ab0fd5) and is functional as is. I approached it cautiously and thoughtfully to ensure it's safe as I went along. I still have some final touches on it + tests to add to wrap it up, [described here](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/285#note_15356).
- Start going deeply through Seraphis code, implementing Jamtis features, and working toward completing a handoff from UkoeHB -> core repo. [From @UkoeHB](https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20220713#c120001): "Todos after [he finishes his final poc tasks]: investigate/implement the wallet-side features of Jamtis (RIDs, Polyseed, address authentication), build wallets that use the seraphis library interface for building/handling txs and enotes (full wallet, view-only wallet, multisig full wallet, payment validator), integrate seraphis into the daemon/ledger, ...".
- My own opinion on the state of Seraphis/Jamtis: both should undergo deeper review and round(s) of audits from independent parties and earn "rough consensus" before ultimately deployed. It would also be nice to see research into trustless zk-SNARKs move further along to have a better idea of how they could fit alongside Seraphis/Jamtis. Still, I think it would be valuable to start getting more finalized audit-able code prepared, especially code that likely wouldn't be impacted by the latter (such as RIDs, Polyseed, and address authentication).
- Implement subaddresses in `monero-lws` as per [this spec](https://github.com/monero-project/meta/pull/647). At this point, moving this forward feels dependent on others in the light wallet ecosystem and isn't fully in my hands (unless enough people want subaddress support in the server and don't need a client).
- Whatever seems highest priority to work on to me that I know can add value on that comes along. As of this moment, [PR 7999](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7999) (a serialization overhaul) is a leading candidate; however, with 7999, there is a chance I'm unable to provide an adequately deep review that the PR requires as my skill level may not be at that point yet. If I do decide to work on 7999, I wouldn't count my hours toward my CCS unless those hours lead to demonstrable value that pushes what the PR aims to solve forward.
2. The reference wallet truncated integers in the decoy selection algorithm, which would have borked the decoy selection algorithm entirely if tx volume were to increase; in the normal case, it marginally weakened the algorithm. ([source](https://www.getmonero.org/2021/09/20/post-mortem-of-decoy-selection-bugs.html))
7. In PR review on the upcoming hard fork's changes to the tx fee, identified the introduction of [slightly different fee calculation logic](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7819#discussion_r804404285) that would have caused tx fees to be fingerprintable to either old or new version until the hard fork.
- identified and patched daemon reliability issues, especially for users of tor/i2p daemons (moved forward solving long-standing issues [6631](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6631), [6929](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6929), and [6938](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6938)):
- patched a [cryptographic vulnerability in monero-python](https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-python/commit/ece5b9d4cd929ced9539dca839d8a9fda4271663) (identified by kayabaNerve) where a malicious sender can get an honest recipient (who's using `monero-python` to scan for txs) to assume they received an arbitrary amount chosen by the sender (e.g. a 0.00000001 XMR tx could be made to look like 1000 XMR).
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