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Monero Paper Wallets

Panda requested to merge Panda/monero-paper-wallets:NewMain into master

Monero Paper Wallets

The problem

Looking online you will find tons of wallet apps or online wallets for your XMR. There are plenty, all different from each other and that fit all users needs. If you are looking for a paper wallet, all you will find are a couple of cool designs. Whether you want to keep it in your safe, in your pocket, print it on a A4 sheet or on a plastic credit card, I think you should be able to do so using the design that better fits you!

The solution

This is where I thought of producing 10 different new designs, each one in 2 different formats:

  • A4 for a classic foldable paper wallet
  • Credit card dimensions for a different way of keeping your seed safe

All the 20 downloadable files will be uploaded and available for everyone that wants to use them.

Who am I?

Hello, I’m Panda and this is my first contribution to the Monero community. I am passionate about this ecosystem since I started mining XMR back in 2017 and I always wanted to help this community grow. I am an Engineer but I also love creative projects and I have already started designing the wallets I want to share with you! I want to help solving a problem that I had and that I am sure a lot of you are having too!

What I’m asking for

I will create 10 different designs in 2 formats so I will upload 20 different files.

To create an A4 design I estimate about 5 work hours so 5x10=50 hours.

The credit card design will reuse most of the designs of the A4 so the process should be faster. I estimate about 3 work hours so 3x10=30 hours.

The total is 50+30=80 hours.

As payment I’m asking for 25€/h so it will be 80*25=2000€.

With the current XMR price of 150€/XMR, I’m asking for 2000€/150€/XMR = 13.33 XMR.

The process will be split in 10 Milestones and for each milestone I will upload:

  • 1 A4 paper wallet
  • 1 instruction for the folding process of the A4 paper wallet
  • 1 credit card format wallet

The payment will be equally split among the 10 milestones so for each milestone I’m asking for 1.33 XMR.

With my current workload I will commit myself to this project with 2 hours a day, 2 days a week. I plan to finish the job in 80/(2x2)= 20 weeks.

Edited by Panda

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