escapethe3RA Monero Observer maintenance (2023 Q4)
I will continue to maintain Monero Observer ( for the next 3 months (2023 Q4): October, November and December.
- Daily: search, curate, structure and post new reports/stories
- Daily: update reports, stats, changelog
- Daily/As Needed: post new MO Community Messages
- Daily/As Needed: post new MO Resources
- Daily/As Needed: post new MO Calendar Events
- Weekly (Sunday): publish the Monero Dev Activity Report
- Weekly (Saturday): publish the MO Artistic Saturday Top 5 Report
- Monthly/As Needed: publish the MO Cypherpunk Transmission Report
- Monthly (1st): publish the MO Blitz Report
- As Needed: housekeeping (revise and update reports)
- As Needed: outreach (engage with the community on Matrix, Reddit, XMPP, emails)
- As Needed: make sure the website is live and working as expected (server maintenance, billing, etc)
- Optional/bonus: publish new Monero and privacy related guides, meeting logs and summaries, add new features, improvements and website sections, start new community initiatives
escapethe3RA, I have started contributing to the Monero ecosystem in August 2021 with Monero Observer and other smaller projects:
- published 1926 x daily MO stories/reports (
- published 960 x on demand MO Community Messages (
- published 22 x monthly MO Blitz reports (
- published 67 x weekly Monero Dev Activity Reports (
- published 56 x weekly MO XMR TA reports (
- published 72 x weekly MO Artistic Saturday Top 5 Reports (
- published 21 x on demand Monero Workgroup Meeting Log Summaries & uploaded 100 meeting logs to MO (
- published 16 x on demand MO Cypherpunk Transmission reports (
- added 295 x on demand MO Resources (
- created several Monero, privacy and security related guides (,,,,,,,
- redesigned Monero Means Money website, donated bounty to GF (,
- started MO Community Messages, Monero Dev Activity Report, XMR TA Report, MO Artistic Saturday, and Cypherpunk Transmission initiatives (,,,,
- added MO XMR Stats section (
- added MO Resources section (
- added MO Calendar section (
- added MO Blacklist section (
- added multiple RSS feeds (
- started self-hosting a terminal-based git server containing the MO UI source code (
- created a hidden service for MO (
- other project improvements (
I will work for 25 hours per week over 3 months at a rate of 0.13 XMR / hour. At $150 / XMR (21 daily EMA) this makes 39 XMR (0.13 * 100 * 3).
Merge request reports
Community meeting to discuss CCS proposals will be tomorrow
Monero observer has hit the ground running after returning from vacation and has already been pumping out news stories at full capacity for week(s) now. A warm welcome! Moving forward, my only concern is for your well-being, hopefully we can avoid long-term exhaustion this time around. Wishing you continued success!
October 2023 Update (M1)
Here's an overview of my work for the past month:
- MO reports: +92
- MO Community Messages: +55 (
- MO Calendar events: +18 (
- MO Resources: +10/-2 (
- MO Blacklist: +1 (
- Monero Dev Activity Reports: +5 (Weeks: 39-43:
- MO Artistic Saturday Top 5 reports: +4 (Weeks: 40-43:
- Meeting Logs & Summary Reports: +13 Logs, +2 Summaries (,
- added new stat to menu bar (Monero latest version), updated PGP key (expiration date), minor layout fixes
All other modifications are on the Changelog page (
Edited by escapethe3RAmentioned in commit 8e326085
November/December 2023 Update (M2+3)
Here's an overview of my work for the past 2 months:
- MO reports: +110
- MO Community Messages: +70 (
- MO Calendar events: +29 (
- MO Resources: +3 (
- MO Blacklist: +1 (
- MO Blitz reports: +2 (,
- Monero Dev Activity Reports: +9 (Weeks: 44-52:
- MO Artistic Saturday Top 5 reports: +9 (Weeks: 44-52:
- Meeting Logs & Summary Reports: +28 Logs, +1 Summary (
- published CT-017: Rethinking the Monero CCS: A cypherpunk proposal (
- added new Meeting Summaries RSS feed (, new community message type ([LFF] - Looking for Funding), minor CSS fixes
All other modifications are on the Changelog page (
Edited by escapethe3RA