Unnamed Monero Wallet development
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- Czarek Nakamoto authored
+ 13
− 8
@@ -110,25 +110,30 @@ Features of the wallet include:
Here are milestones the milestones that will be achieved during the 3 month period of this proposal, in no particular order, as it doesn't make sense to separate some things. Each week I'll post a short list of tasks achieved and every 4 weeks I'll put them up together so the progress can be verified.
I'm proposing to work for 20 hours/week for `40$/hour` at a rate of `~125,14$/XMR` (according to open prices between 2024-02-17 and 2024-03-01 (date of writing) via [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/monero/historical_data)) for 12 weeks, summing up to a total of `~76,68` XMR split into 3 payments of `25,56` XMR every 4 weeks.
[^2]: Camera isn't fun, especially when being cross-platform is a goal, but supporting it is critical for URQRs. This isn't a milestone on it's own, but a topic that I'll research, do some PoC and come up with a solution, especially because getting camera to work is one task, then we need to scan qr the codes (and be **very** fast at it), so this milestone is more of "explore the possibilities" and come up with a reasonable plan for future regarding cross-platform camera support.