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Add Controversial Symbolism

layout: fr
title: Create Alt-Right and Nazi Monero Imagery
author: Slightly Trolling
date: March 17, 2019
amount: 4
  - name: Milestone 1 - Pay me
    funds: 100% (4 XMR)
    status: unfinished
  - date:

WHO Definitely not a sock puppet of a concerned Monero community member

WHAT Create images/art/propaganda that would put Monero in a bad light, and are clearly not in the interests of the community.

  • Outsourcing the work to an actual artist: $100 (2 XMR)

  • Making it worth my while: $100 (2 XMR)

WHY The Monero community should allow all proposals to go to funding, if even one single person wants to pay for it. If anyone speaks up and says they want this proposal funded, in the name of NO CENSORSHIP, we should allow it to be funded. This is clearly a sane course of action.

Edited by Slightly Trolling

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