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Update vtnerd 2024 Q3 Part 2

Lee Clagett requested to merge vtnerd/ccs-proposals:vtnerd-2024-q3-part2 into master

I rolled over the hours for a month last week. I was hoping to get another PR out before this merge request, but it looks like some of the work will have to wait. Reviewers can decide whether they trust additional (not yet posted) work has been done.

The big effort was on converting LWS REST server from an epee http server to boost::beast. The primary advantage is that now /daemon_status, /get_unspent_outs, and /submit_raw_tx will no longer block other requests if the associated monerod is unresponsive. This is a log way to making LWS ready for mass deployment. /get_random_outs will be updated in a future PR.

Some additional time was spent on the LWS frontend project. This round of edits was making the project better at exception safety - hopefully providing the strong-guarantee for all functions (that is the ideal).

I also spent a small amount of time cleaning up the TCP throttling code.

As part of the CCS, I performed a follow-up review of 9135. I've looked at several other reviews as well, but did not comment on them.

Merge request reports