-[maintain](https://github.com/feather-wallet/feather/blob/master/MAINTENANCE.md) and [improve](https://featherwallet.org/ideas/) feather
-[help maintain](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pulls?q=is%3Apr+label%3A%22build+system%22+author%3Atobtoht) monero core's build system and CI
- test and review pull requests (GUI/core)
- upstream useful patches to monero core
- help out where I can
I want to start off the year by clearing out a good chunk of the small-to-medium size issue/feature backlog for Feather. At the same time, making sure [pending build system PRs](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9631) for Monero core get reviewed and merged, particularly everything we need for FCMP++.
After that, I want to continue efforts to add multisig support to Feather by evaluating kaya's FROST-inspired multisig implementation as a more robust replacement for wallet2's implementation. A related [audit](https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/monero-serai-wallet-audit.html) is expected to conclude in March.
### Who
Hi, I'm tobtoht. I am an active contributor to the Monero ecosystem since April 2018. Currently, I maintain Feather Wallet and contribute to the core codebase.