Diego Salazar authoredDiego Salazar authored
layout: cp
title: Release of new/updated pool software
author: Snipa22
amount: 800
date: February 2, 2017
An updated pool for usage within the XMR community in order to help continue growing smaller pools within the Monero Community. This project was originally spawned off of the project by Wolf0 & OhGodAGirl to replace and improve the XMR Stratum, but provides a baseline to work from for more modern implementations of the pool software.
This also includes many features that are valuable to miners at this time, including support for Integrated Addresses, Payment ID Based payouts, Per-Worker Monitoring, and Per-Worker E-mail Notifications.
I'm Snipa on IRC, I've been a professional Linux sysadmin for the past 10-ish years, developing python based software for the past 4-5, and work primarily as a DevOps engineer in my full time position, maintaining servers and backend code, while providing project guidance for our main workflow at my FT position.
This has been my first serious foray into the XMR community, as well, into NodeJS, and while I've stumbled quite a bit, I feel like this is a product I am pleased to release to the community to play with and see how they like it as well.
I am a regular in the #monero-pools channel, and have provided assistance with things such as interim-pool fixes for the 127 transaction bug, information about the Claymore SSL implementation, and the certs (Unsigned certs ftw!) required for this implementation. I've also provided assistance to new pool ops looking to get up and going. I thoroughly believe that XMR is stronger for the small pool ops, and it's my goal to get this code out to make it easier and simpler to setup. I've also provided first-pass documentation on the current pool API's, as they're undocumented: https://cryptonote-xmr-pool-api.restlet.io
This was spawned as a pool target to replace the issues with Proportional payouts, such as pool hoppers, as used by Clintar and Zone117x's pools, allowing for better payouts for miners who are interested in long-term profit. This was also to be the target for the new Stratum Protocol as to be developed by Wolf0 & OhGodAGirl. This code leverages many stable NodeJS libraries, fixes to versions, and uses the current 6.x.x LTS release. This also offers a number of new ways to setup mining pools, including PPS and Solo mining, for miners who like to know exactly what they'll get paid, and miners who want to gamble and roll the dice while mining.