layout: wip
title: "v1docq47: video creation / translations into russian (february - july)"
author: v1docq47
date: July 31, 2019
amount: 46.8
- name: February
funds: 16.66% (XMR 7.8)
done: 28 February 2019
status: finished
- name: March
funds: 16.66% (XMR 7.8)
done: 31 March 2019
status: finished
- name: April
funds: 16.66% (XMR 7.8)
done: 30 April 2019
status: finished
- name: May
funds: 16.66% (XMR 7.8)
status: unfinished
- name: June
funds: 16.66% (XMR 7.8)
status: unfinished
- name: July
funds: 16.66% (XMR 7.8)
status: unfinished
- date:
- date:
- date:
- date:
- date:
- date:
Greeting everybody again!
Thank you for supporting my previous FFS. Possibly something went wrong, not like I planned it, but during working process I sincerely tried to improve every video and translation, investing part of my soul in my work.
I am v1docq47, member of XMR.RU team
I participate and take active part in Monero Localization and Monero Outreach working groups.
Since September 2017 I translate into Russian everything related to Monero. Recently I started to make teaching and news videos about Monero for Monero Russian Community YouTube channel.
This is the shortlist of my Monero localization works:
This is the shortlist of my works for Monero Russian Community YouTube channel:
In my first FFS I was too optimistic and didn’t realized what amount of time I will be spending to create simple but high quality videos, which are easy to understand for ordinary user.
This time I have 5 month experience and I will be realistic about my work.
I am planning to continue to help experienced and ordinary users to know something new. I have a lot of new ideas, which are just needed to be transferred from paper to screen.
I don’t want to stuck in routine work with videomaking, I will do my best to improve this format and do something interesting and unusual.
In addition to videomaking I will continue my Monero localization work.
Please don’t be confused with low amount of subscribers and views on my channel. I could buy views/subscribers, but it won’t be my own victory. I want to reach thousand audience by my own.
The Proposal and Milestones
I am planning to make 6-8 new videos per month for my channel for the next 6 months. These will be: news, manuals and other Monero information materials.
I still hope to add interviews to my channel as an extra format (despite I had some technical difficulties during first episode). Possibly it will be new format of short podcasts, but I need time to realize it.
In my spare time I will continue to localize Monero project for Russia.
How much and Payouts
Any kind of work must be paid, especially work which is pleasured for you and your viewer/reader.
Payment on first days of every month during 6 months for my upcoming work.
3$ hour/ ~30 hours a week or ~130 hours a month. Usually I spend much more spare time for my work.
Average Monero course for a month is ~50$
In total:
46.8 XMR for 6 month work's
7.8 XMR month starting from February