- Aug 29, 2019
OsrsNeedsF2P authored
- Mar 21, 2019
el00ruobuob authored
+ update image link to markdown
- Mar 18, 2019
el00ruobuob authored
- Mar 15, 2019
el00ruobuob authored
+ add screenshots to root /resources folder
- Mar 11, 2019
el00ruobuob authored
- Mar 09, 2019
el00ruobuob authored
Update NiceHash guide to mine CryptoNightR & version bumped to 3.1.0 (as CryptoNightV7/8 algo are misleading)
- Feb 15, 2019
René Brunner authored
- Jan 19, 2019
- Updated lots and lots and lots of CSS - Changed all link colors from orange to black and underlined - Made site more accessible across the board - Seriously, look at all the pages and tell me it's not awesomer - Updated relevant HTML in pages to accomodate - Changed en.yml Developer Guides translated string to yes (why was it not already?) - Added images to the Using Monero page for wicked sick purposes
- Nov 21, 2018
el00ruobuob authored
el00ruobuob authored
- Bump version to 1.2.0 - AR new screenshots (all of them were EN), text not updated: will need an arabic speaker. - EN new `settings` screnshot, text update, bump to 1.2.0 - ES new `settings` screnshot, text update (untranslated), bump to 1.2.0 - FR new `settings` screnshot, text update, bump to 1.2.0 - IT new `settings` screnshot, text update (untranslated), bump to 1.2.0 - PL new `settings` screnshot, text update, bump to 1.2.0
- Oct 22, 2018
el00ruobuob authored
- Aug 03, 2018
el00ruobuob authored
+ correction on Italian Account + Removed leftover miners.md (replaced by mining.md) + Removed Dust and update Copyright + Code improvement to avoid reading the config file and to use the builtin jekyll config variable passed in the content + Ammount.md:25/26 glitch "\@transaction-privacy" corrected. PL to be checked twice. + Italian ammount.md moneropedia links corrected (terms added to destination entries, unnecessary markdown links removed) + Polish corrections + extend ruby \word-boundary in regex to match `-based` `-like` `-form` + Updated readme according to the new way to add or translate a moneropedia entry + fix mining with CryptoNight variant + rebased to include AR + chery picked #820 to avoid conflicts
- Jul 17, 2018
+ Based on [dEBRUYNE StackExchange Post](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/8503/how-do-i-generate-a-ledger-monero-wallet-with-the-cli-monero-wallet-cli) + De-personalized (s/"I"/"We"/g) + Download links moved to getmonero.org instead of GitHub + Typo Correction - Mac OS referring to GUI instead of CLI - Monero v0.12.1.0 mentioned instead of v0.12.2.0 - s/cavaet/caveat/g + Precision on installation section of Ledger Monero app guide for windows + Update the "need assistance" final note to link to the StackExchange answer. + Update to latest edit from @dEBRUYNE-1 on 2018/06/06 + Corrections after review + consistency checks
- Jul 08, 2018
+ Missing French sentences + Nicehash guide re-re-added + Missing space in download > Mobile & lightweitght after "hangouts" link. + Relocalization of StackExchange in Hangouts + typo in securely purchase (FR)
+ All guides are version + Major diff on Polish daemon RPC guide + Minor diff on Polish daemon RPC guide + yml completed for en, fr, pl, it, es + Instructions updated on readme.md: - For Guide création: adding the mainversion to the /ressources/user-guides, the guide version and the translation snippet to the localized files - For Guides update: how, where and why handling the version number.
- May 30, 2018
qubenix authored
+ Add verification-allos-advanced.md to all langs/~~template~~ + Modify index.md of user-guides in all langs/~~template~~
el00ruobuob authored
el00ruobuob authored
NiceHash now has a "CryptoNightV7" algorithm to use when buying hash power for Monero after the PoW Change.
el00ruobuob authored
Update view-only, restore from keys, restore account & prove payment Guides with GUI. With corrections after review.
el00ruobuob authored
- May 26, 2018
Diego Salazar authored
- Deleted flippin' template directories (unnecessary now) - Moved all cussin' HTML to root files instead of in _i18n folder (except for guides) - Replaced all freakin' strings with liquid translation tags - Added all Kevin' strings for each language already merged to their respective .yml files - 40 seconds of testing before sending PR Signed-off-by:
rehrar <rehrar@tuta.io>
- Mar 14, 2018
qubenix authored
Add user-guide for Windows binary verification, add entry to index.md, and add images to png/ dir. Fix some jekyll serve errors pertaining to the Qubes/Whonix isolation guide: + In resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.md change from `static_page` to `user-guide`. Fixes error: `Missing i18n key: en:CLI Wallet/Daemon Isolation with Qubes + Whonix`. + Qubes/Whonix guide was missing from Italian lang section, prevented serving site. Apparently this also alphabetized the Italian lang sections index when I copied an index.md from another lang there.
- Jan 30, 2018
Diego Salazar authored
- Deleted Website section from user guides, will refer to README instead (too much upkeep) - Put an untranslated snippet on non-English user guides until translated
Diego Salazar authored
- Dec 02, 2017
0xB44EFD8751077F97 authored
- Nov 07, 2017
Leon Klingele authored
- Oct 18, 2017
lancillotto authored
The command line is missing --generate-from-keys option
- Oct 15, 2017
Diego Salazar authored
- Updated events - Added Mattermost and Taiga to Hangouts page and fixed Reddit icon - Added icons to Team page to replace links - Added DragonflyBSD icon to spritesheet and placed on Downloads page - Added Monero Press Kit page and several PNG and AI files, including a large zip with everything - Updated Website General User Guide - Changed Surae's name to Brandon on MRL page - Several CSS tweaks and fixes
Diego Salazar authored
- Aug 26, 2017
QuickBASIC authored
* grammar: * a/an * repeated words * fragmented sentences * possesion * run on sentences * commas for prepositional phrases * is/are conjugations * was/were * its/it's * capitalizing proper nouns (Monero, Bitcoin, etc) * formatting (removed linefeeds in middle of sentences) * can not/cannot * removed commas improperly before conjunctions * spelling: * programmatically * hashrate * transferring * scalability * separate * transactions * additionally * particular * profitability * recommended * explicitly * separator * block * drawback * favorite * spelling (br/us) * internationalization * specialized * analyze * centralized * decentalized * memorizing * synchronization * synchronized
- Aug 21, 2017
KeeJef authored
# Conflicts: # resources/user-guides/index.md
- Aug 15, 2017
cryptochangements authored
cryptochangements34 authored
- Aug 13, 2017
cryptochangements34 authored
cryptochangements34 authored
A user guide for using moneroworld.com to fimd a remote node and connecting to it within the GUI wallet
cryptochangements authored
- Jul 19, 2017
Justin Ehrenhofer authored
Added some / before the start of the different filepaths.
Justin Ehrenhofer authored
Updated again, changing .png to .PNG
Justin Ehrenhofer authored
- Jul 18, 2017
Justin Ehrenhofer authored