Hello, my dear followers, colleagues, and friends!
v1docq47 is here!
And this is my new funding request for my work.
### Who?
I am [v1docq47](https://t.me/v1docq47), member of [XMR.RU](https://xmr.ru/) team.
Since September 2017 I translate into Russian everything related to Monero. I’m doing Russian dubbing and creating various videos about Monero for [Monero Russian Community YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZc5PLsbP5zeFrmOYMKGmA).
I active contributor in [Monero Localization](https://taiga.getmonero.org/profile/v1docq47) and [Monero Outreach](https://taiga.getmonero.org/profile/v1docq47) working groups.
This is the shortlist of my Monero localization works:
-[A brief history of Montero](https://youtu.be/r-VmVJN-UHk)
### What?
Localization of the Monero project into Russian.
Creation of information / news and tutorials video for YouTube channel.
### The Proposal and Milestones
First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your support and congratulate everyone on the New Year! I sincerely hope that the 2020 year will be as interesting and eventful as the previous, 2019 year.
So, my yet other 6 months of work have passed. I am not exaggerating if I say that a tremendous job has been done during this time. You can familiarize yourself with my progress reports in previous sentences.
I want to outline only the main directions in the course of my work for the next six months, without going into unnecessary details and explanations (but, I will be glad to give comments on any points of interest to you):
- Accomplish the voiceover remaining performances of MoneroKon 2019
- Finish the export of already completed translations of MRL research documents to TeX (followed by export to pdf)
- Launch the Russian-language Wiki section with all reference and technical documentation and information (already in [progress](https://docs.xmr.ru/moneropedia/))
- Start a translation of the CLI version of the wallet
- Prepare the cycle of videos on working with the Trezor hardware wallet
- Update all my Monero mining guides ([NVIDIA](https://xmr.ru/manuals/how-to-mine-monero-with-nvidia-gpu/) / [AMD](https://xmr.ru/manuals/how-to-mine-monero-with-amd-gpu/) / [CPU](https://xmr.ru/manuals/how-to-mine-monero-cpu/))
- And the last, but not least, point in my to-do list for the new year is to continue working on the news block and other videos on the [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/MoneroRussianCommunity) as well as doing translations of everything related to Monero into the Russian language
### How much and Payouts
Any kind of work must be paid, especially work which is pleasured for you and your viewer/reader.
Payment on first days of every month during 6 months for my upcoming work.
7$ hour/ ~30 hours a week or ~120 hours a month. Usually I spend much more spare time for my work.