Create Educational Content in Spanish
Hello friends and Monero Fam, Lovera Here! This is my second funding request for my work and I want to be as transparent as possible. I am seeking funding from the community to working on Monero related projects all days full time. Im truly thankful for all the support i have received from the community and my sponsor Cakewallet.
Currently I work a little less part-time on monero projects (Videos, guides, website,etc), mainly due to the fact that I have to dedicate time to my work (9-17). Actually the Monero News in my main YouTube channel (5 Videos per month) are sponsored by Cakewallet. Also i have another sponsor (localcryptos) that support my content for Monero, Bitcoin and mining But if I am going to dedicate myself full time to Monero and quit my job, I will need much more, so the plan is to take the leap full-time.
I'm Lovera, creator of and YouTube Channel LoveraTV I'm a big fan, support and contributor of Monero. Since 2019 I am actively sharing educational content about Monero on my social networks. I’m creating educational videos about Monero, writing guides and tutorials in Spanish. I also translate into Spanish everything related to Monero and post it on my website. You can check my Guides and articles here:
And my Videos about Monero
¿What is the proposal about?
I just created an independet YouTube Channel (LoveraXMR) where i will share Monero only content At the same time, i will share this content (with some little modifications in the video) in my main channel (LoveraTV) To reach a greater number of users.
Milestones and projected schedule
LoveraXMR YouTube Channel Milestones
- Go From 30 to over 1k Suscribers on YouTube
- Created 4 short Videos per month about Monero News (weekly)
- Created 4 Short Video per month (Q&A) about Monero
- Created at less 2 Video Tutorial about Monero per Month (Wallets, GUI Wallet, Node in differents OS, etc)
- Created 1 Video per month in format Podcast with some members of Spanish Community
- Created at less 1 Video per month About Monero Mining and promote descentralized p2pool
- Continue to improve our studio and production quality
LoveraTV YouTube Channel Milestones
- Go From 9k to over 15k sucribers on YouTube
- Created at less 1 Video Tutorial per month About Monero (Same (with some modifications) or different than the one published in XMRLovera)
- Refer users in each video sponsored by cakewallet (LoveraTV) to the videos created in XMRLovera
Satoshilove (Website)
- Create quality educational content by my self for the Spanish-speaking community. The objective is to transmit the benefits, characteristics and importance of Monero for financial privacy, through guides and articles. (at less 2 per month)
- Translate and publish in my web site important and valuable articles and guides from diferents Monero Community ussers (At less 2 per month)
- Translate into spanish and publish in my web site every MRL meeting Logs
- Work in Moneropedia in
- Translation articles, news and other materials into Spanish and publish in
- maintance of the site
Why it is important for Monero and the community?
Monero is an incredible project, but there are many false beliefs and ignorance about it in the Spanish-speaking community. By providing more quality content in Spanish, we will be able to raise awareness in the Spanish community about the importance of financial privacy, about the importance and role that Monero plays in our financial activity.
How much and Payouts?
A good work must be paid or rewarded, specially if this contribute to a good cause. Payment on first days of every month during 3 months for my upcoming work 7$ / hour / 1.10- XMR a week or 4,5 XMR per month for 160 hours of work, Usually I spend much more time for my work (about 10 hours a day). In total: 4,4 XMR per Month 13.5 XMR for three months starting from December.
Merge request reports
FYI, there is a meeting in less than 24 hours which might be a good opportunity for a Q&A on your proposal:
mentioned in commit 727e828e
Hello everyone, here Lovera!
December has been a great month, with a lot of progress for the Spanish content for all the Monero Spanish community.
Im woring hard to spread all this content to spanish community.
This is a weekly Monero news for LoveraXMR YouTube Channel
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 30/11/2021 al 06/12/2021
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 07/12/2021 al 13/12/2021
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 20/12/2021 al 27/12/2021
Video Tutorials for December month:
FEATHER WALLET | Tutorial #2 | Explicación en DETALLE de opciones avanzadas
Videos about Question and answer about Monero
Q&A (4 Vídeos):
¿Como se MINA MONERO? | Preguntas y Respuestas 1
Está la Minería de MONERO CENTRALIZADA? | Preguntas y Respuestas #2
¿Monero es infinito? | Preguntas y Respuestas 3
¿Como comprar MONERO? | Preguntas y Respuestas 4
Podcast with members of Spanish Community:
Pod 1 Hernan sobre la minería y Monero en Argentina
We translate into spanish the MRL meeting for December and you can find in the web site:
Translation of some guides/articles into spanish:
Desmontando FUD Monero - Seth Simons
We have written two guides about monero in English
How to mine Monero in HiveOS
How to prove a payment througt Feather Wallet
We also made a 5 videos about Monero in LoveraTV YouTube Channel (11,000 suscribers) and recommend to suscribe to LoveraXMR Channel (Monero only channel)
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 30/11/2021 al 06/12/2021
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 07/12/2021 al 13/12/2021
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 20/12/2021 al 27/12/2021
Resumen ANUAL de NOTICIAS sobre MONERO Bullish para 2022
Que HARDWARE necesitas para MINAR MONERO? Aquí te lo enseño
This has been all my work during the month of December. I want to thank the whole community for trusting me. We will continue working to give our best during the month of January. Thank you very much. And a Happy New Year to all
Edited by LoveraHello everyone, here Lovera again!!
January has been a really good month, with a lot of progress for the Spanish content.
This is a weekly Monero news for LoveraXMR YouTube Channel
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 28/12/2021 al 04/01/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 04/01/2022 al 10/01/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 10/01/2022 al 17/01/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 25/01/2022 al 31/01/2022
Video Tutorials for January month:
FEATHER WALLET | Tutorial 3 | Explicación en DETALLE de Tools Herramientas
FEATHER WALLET | Tutorial 4 | Inputs y Outputs COINS | NO esperes 10 confirmaciones
Videos about Question and answer about Monero
Q&A (4 Vídeos):
Puedo usar la misma wallet en diferentes dispositivos? | Preguntas y Respuestas 5
¿Cual es la diferencia entre CUENTAS y SUBDIRECCIONES en MONERO? | Preguntas y Respuestas 6
¿Se puede minar Monero con GPU? | Preguntas y Respuestas 7
Nodos remotos en Monero | Preguntas y Respuestas 8
The Podcast with a member of Spanish Community is editing
Video About Mining in LoveraXMR YT Channel
Como MINAR MONERO con tu CPU usando p2pool | Pagos frecuentes
We translate into spanish the MRL meeting for January and you can find in the web site:
Translation of some guides/articles into spanish:
Como contribuir a Monero - Seth Simons
We have written two guides about monero in English
How to mine Monero in HiveOS Using P2pool
Realizar pagos con Monero
We also made a 5 videos about Monero in LoveraTV YouTube Channel (12,000 suscribers already) and recommend to suscribe to LoveraXMR Channel (Monero only channel)
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 25/01/2022 al 31/01/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 17/01/2022 al 25/01/2022
Mina Monero con p2pool en Linux | Guía paso a paso
NOTICIAS sobre MONERO 10/01/2022 al 17/01/2022
NOTICIAS sobre MONERO 04/01/2022 al 10/01/2022
Thanks Evereone
Hello everyone, here Lovera!!
First of all I would like to apologize for the delay. Because I got sick with COVID I was offline for a while. This is my last CCS milestone. However as I have done in the past I will continue uploading news, guides and translations of Monero content in Spanish until I can be 100% active again and open a new one. Thank you all for your support!
This is a weekly Monero news for LoveraXMR YouTube Channel
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 01/02/2022 al 07/02/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 07/02/2022 al 15/02/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 15/02/2022 al 21/02/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 21/02/2022 al 28/02/2022
Video Tutorials:
GUI Monero WALLET | Tutorial #2 | Cuentas, Subdirecciones y Mas
GUI Monero WALLET | Tutorial #1 (closed) | Verificar Firmas y Hashes Linux y Windows
Videos about Question and answer about Monero Q&A (4 Vídeos):
¿Que es P2Pool? | Preguntas y Respuestas 9
Que es MoneroOcean? | Preguntas y Respuestas 10
Como Puedes Contribuir a Monero? | Preguntas y Respuestas 11
Que son los Hardforks en Monero? | Preguntas y Respuestas 12
Video About Mining in LoveraXMR YT Channel
Mina Ethereum o Ravencoin y Recibe pagos en Monero | MoneroOcean HiveOS tutorial
1 Montlhy Podcast
Inputs, Outputs, Minería de #Monero con Orientaru
We translate into spanish the MRL meeting for January and you can find in the web site:
Translation of some guides/articles into spanish:
Stealth Addresses – Que es y por qué la utiliza Monero?
We have written two guides/articles about monero in Spanish
como demostrar un pago en monero
Que es la altura de restauración en monero
We also made a 5 videos about Monero in LoveraTV YouTube Channel (13,000 suscribers already) and recommend to suscribe to LoveraXMR Channel (Monero only channel)
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 01/02/2022 al 07/02/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 07/02/2022 al 15/02/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 15/02/2022 al 21/02/2022
NOTICIAS sobre #MONERO 21/02/2022 al 28/02/2022
Cuanto He Ganado Minando PULSAR con mi CPU | Vale la pena? o Mejor Monero?
Thanks to Evereone
mentioned in issue #150