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Winston requested to merge winstonsthiccbooty/ccs-proposals:my_branch into master

I would like to create a FOSS Android app called Whatnero (name suggestions welcome). It will encompass all of the available information regarding Monero in a user-friendly manner so that newcomers can easily access all of the information to learn about Monero and get started. It will also include more advanced guides for the seasoned Monero users and some additional tools like an XMR converter and an option to share an .apk of the application through various means (circumvents potential censorship of the app).

I am Winston, an avid Monero enthusiast :) I have experience with Android app development and I have created my own FOSS app Simpill. In my very biased opinion, the design is user-friendly and simple.

I have written some guides on Monero such as How to Create a Paper XMR Wallet and How to Use P2Pool. I have also authored the entire Introduction to Pandacoin documentation.

Milestone 1: Guides and Info (45 XMR)

Deciding what guides and information should be included in the app, plus gathering the information from various sources. If none exists, I will write it myself.

Milestone 2: Design and Development (45 XMR)

The meat and potatoes of the project, this milestone encompasses the actual development of the Whatnero app and its design.

Milestone 3: Final Testing and Release (10 XMR)

This will be the icing on top of the cake, making sure the app works perfectly through thorough testing and then releasing it via F-droid and the Play Store.

Thanks, Winston

PS: Let me know if the amount is reasonable. I wasn't sure how much to ask for.

Edited by Winston

Merge request reports
