Let more people use XMR, telegram push, small transactions done in seconds, docker private deployment, provide free API service
- Build a set of out-of-the-box programs so that more people can use XMR, for example: websites, stores, kiosks, vending machines, donations, rewards, etc.
- Implement instant telegram push notification/callback URL, so that monero's small transactions are completed in seconds.
- Provides a stable, permanently free API service that allows users with no development experience, as well as other third-party programs to quickly use monero to complete transactions.
- Provide docker container images to facilitate users' private deployment.
- The server back-end technology stack is nginx module, redis, luajit, to ensure very low resource consumption and very high response speed.
- More concise information and community discussions are here.
Importance to the community
- Improve the transaction volume of monero, so that more people and more scenarios can use monero.
- Let users really experience small transactions done in seconds and enhance the adoption scenario of monero.
- Every transaction has instant push notification, which can make monero as easy to use as traditional banks.
Who I am
- I have 10+ years of full stack development experience, proficient in linux/web/android development, proficient in c/c++/java/javascript/python/go/lua(jit)/php.
- Currently living in Hong Kong, I need to remain anonymous given the Hong Kong environment, so without further ado, please see the final output.
Rate: 50 USD + 0.3 XMR
Hours: 3 months @ 100 hours/month = 300hrs
XMR equivalent: 90 + (50*300)/USD_EXCHANGE_RATE XMR
USD_EXCHANGE_RATE: set from 14-day EMA on a major exchange when merging proposal
I will cover the server costs, and the funds for the purchase of a nice domain name. If there are very many users in the future, causing the server overhead to grow a lot, I will present the server bill and initiate a new CCS.
Milestones and expenditures
Milestone 1
Date: CCS_FUNDED_DATE + 30 days
Amount: 30 + (50*100)/USD_EXCHANGE_RATE XMR
- Web front-end development: Basic website page development, user console development (login/register/setup/add notification wallet).
- Server backend development: complete the development of the callback URL component for each transaction information of the wallet.
- Complete domain name purchase and server deployment.
Milestone 2
Date: First milestone + 30 days.
Amount: 30 + (50*100)/USD_EXCHANGE_RATE XMR
- Web front-end development: API-token generation/destruction, complete transaction function closed loop (submit amount -> generate payment address -> wait for payment completion -> transaction instant notification).
- Server backend development: Completed development of instant telegram push notifications, completed development of multi-currency and XMR real-time exchange rate components.
Milestone 3
Date: Second milestone + 30 days.
Amount: 30 + (50*100)/USD_EXCHANGE_RATE XMR
- Complete the web development (help center and API documentation page) and finish the official operation of the free API service.
- Complete high concurrent transaction stress testing, optimization processing.
- Complete common web vulnerability scanner scans and fix hardening.
- Release docker container image to facilitate private deployment.
Expiration date.
October 30, 2022, if it gets funded early, then I can keep to the expected schedule and get to work quickly, thank you very much.