CypherPunk Radio
CypherPunk Radio
A new era for all the CypherPunks in the Monero community!
We are a duo of Monero enthusiasts.
With this project we are building a place for all the new CypherPunks out there.
NotMtth |
![]() Insane Crypto Maniac |
More on CypherPunk Radio
CypherPunk Radio will provide music of different genres suggested by everyone. Also it will be structured with different rooms, divided by genre, and one of them will be 'Community room'. In this room everyone will be able to add their own music, downloaded directly from YouTube.
Everything will be in your hands, as we want this project to be as community driven as possible.
Beside providing lots of music TalkShows and News will also be made. News will collected by us and streamed using Text2Speech directly onto the dedicated room.
The schedule of all of this is unsure yet, but with some help and suggestions everything will come together :)
Privacy and security will also be a strong point of the radio since we decided to make the streaming available over Tor / I2P only, a clearnet landing page will be used anyway as it's easier to access for everyone.
A bit of context
This all born casually.
One day I was looking at the MoneroJobs telegram channel and I saw that the MoneroTopia team was searching for a new speaker to continue their weekly price reports
I shared this offer with my friend and he replied me the next morning with this message: "Moi nah man we need make our own radio show".
And now, here we are :)
This idea started on Octor 9th 2022 and we have been working hard on it since then.
How funds will be used?
The first 2.27 XMR
will be used to buy 2 different VPSs and the domain:
- A bigger one used to host the music database + the streaming server
- A smaller one as proxy with frontends
The cost of the bigger one is of $24.67 per month for 6 months, while the cost of the smaller one is of $8,5 per month for 12 months plus $30 monthly of domain.
At current price ($128.35)
this makes a total of 2.27 XMR
The other 3.0 XMR
of the other 2 milestones will be used to fund our time for maintenance, price drops and general work on the radio and will be splitted in 2 equal parts between us.
Milestone 1 - 'Finish and release software'
The first milestone will be completed after the news system and all the other parts of the radio will be 100% finished and ready to be deployed.
For now the next ideas to be implemented will be:
- News system (TTS)
- Simple chat for every music room
- Define all rooms
- Start creating music database [that will be public]
All the software written will be open and accessible to everyone on GitHub and Gitea.
Milestone 2 - 'Make operational'
This second milestone will be completed after the radio is going to be up and running with all the mirrors.
Milestone 3 - 'TalkShows and news'
This second milestone will be completed after the first TalkShow and News will be streamed successfully.
Want to ask something or know more?
We already created some channels to help everyone interested to come discuss directly with us about any CypherPunk topic and know more about the radio:
Telegram: @cypherpunkradio
IRC: #cypherpunk-radio (OFTC)
Merge request reports
No funds are being requested upfront here, apologies? I'm not sure where i got that impression from.
Are there any popular crypto text-to-speech news/talkshow radio channels in existence at the moment? Do you have an example episode of what this will look/sound like?
Edited by plowsoffI have looked at the thread regarding the CCS you linked. No, there are no text-to-speech news that I am aware of. However the talk shows will be made by myself and Insane with some guests. The TTS news will be a new way of spreading news about the monero community that can be easily listened instead of being only read so people can enjoy music and stay updated at the same time. This is something that I'm happy to discuss since it's just an idea and I need feedback from the community.
Here is a little update. As discussed with PlowSof, I will making available a testing version of the radio, with song suggestions and streaming over I2P and Tor from 2 addresses only. Also a clearnet site will be hosted as entry-point and the telegram bot for song suggestion as well (songs will be able to be suggested thru both clearnet site and bot). I will make a new comment on here once everything is up and running :)
Just wanted to specify a thing, this will not be only a regular radio with music streaming only, on the radio will be streamed news using Text-To-Speech or something similar and Talk Shows made by me and Insane with some guests.
Thanks to PlowSof for the direct support.
There will be a meeting to discuss any updates this Saturday 3rd December 16:00UTC
Allows full control over the in-game radio. Features include disabling individual songs on each radio wordle 2 station
I enjoy learning a lot of various practical knowledge, and your post is just what I'm looking for. I've been a long time follower of the fascinating amusement website fnf mods which everyone should not miss.
Meeting on the 7th
No updates / proof of concepts for a month as requested by community - and already not much support here. My assumption is there will be a vote to close.
Hello, 2 days later I got the concept radio up and running (, mirrors on this site).
I wanted to talk about the radio itself and how its built. The radio is divided in 2 parts, on 2 different servers. The API that handles song download, songs files storage, the songs database and the streaming software, is on the first server, the strongest of the 2 (API is built using FastAPI, database is MySQL and streaming software is IceCast2). The websites themself are on a different server, used as proxy to maintain more privacy for the users and the main server. The clearnet website interfaces with the main API and makes the user interact with the database by adding songs and searching thru it (website is made with HTML & CSS with Quart backend, Python). The Tor and I2P mirrors are made of plain simple HTML & CSS to be light, load fast, contain only needed content and provide the streaming of the radio songs.
Hope to see some feedback soon, more updates in the following days will come. (Also I made a mistake, the domain is $30 yearly not monthly)
- A deleted user