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  • monero-project/monero-site
  • moneromooo-monero/monero-site
  • el00ruobuob/monero-site
  • erciccione/monero-site
  • woodser/monero-site
  • m2049r/monero-site
  • JohnnyMnemonic/monero-site
  • rehrar/monero-site
  • selsta/monero-site
  • mycryptocheckout/monero-site
  • antanst/monero-site
  • leon/monero-site
  • BlackLotus64/monero-site
  • lh1008/monero-site
  • MSavoritias/monero-site
  • Ehhoe/monero-site
  • turossztrapacska/monero-site
  • anonimal/monero-site
  • dsc/monero-site
  • IsthmusCrypto/monero-site
  • rbrunner7/monero-site
  • Degreel/monero-site
  • Kyritheous/monero-site
  • ProkhorZ/monero-site
  • Monero_Helper/monero-site
  • ulineto/monero-site
  • xjmzx/monero-site
  • vp11/monero-site
  • sawinyh/monero-site
  • chadyo/monero-site
  • XMRNoblesse/monero-site
  • bartvk/monero-site
  • dginovker/monero-site
  • rodolfo912/monero-site
  • Mitchellpkt/monero-site
  • Needmoney90/monero-site
  • ndorf/monero-site
  • Cactii1/monero-site
  • xeagu/monero-site
  • ngecoin01/monero-site
  • janowitz/monero-site
  • Aurora/monero-site
  • Lafudoci/monero-site
  • hrumag/monero-site
  • xmr-romine/monero-site
  • hooftly/monero-site
  • binaryFate/monero-site
  • LocalCoinIS/monero-site
  • timetherewere/monero-site
  • serhack/monero-site
  • hyc/monero-site
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  • monerobby/monero-site
  • Wegerich/monero-site
  • matilde/monero-site
  • koe/monero-site
  • TheFuzzStone/monero-site
  • lalanza808/monero-site
  • sgp/monero-site
  • Rexi/monero-site
  • Monero-Weblate/monero-site
  • Avis/monero-site
  • emes/monero-site
  • xiphon/monero-site
  • omurad/monero-site
  • MoneroArbo/monero-site
  • dianacraig/monero-site
  • beeroliver/monero-site
  • ngulgowski/monero-site
  • getsmile/monero-site
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Commits on Source (316)
with 780 additions and 1134 deletions
image: ruby:2.5
- build
- gem install bundler
stage: build
- master
- bundle install
- bundle exec jekyll build
#### What's the name of your business?
<!-- Write here -->
#### What's the URL of the website?
<!-- Write here. Referral links and/or trackers are not accepted -->
#### Write a brief description of your business/service (max 50 characters)
<!-- Write here. This text will be displayed on the Merchant page. Keep it short -->
#### Enter the URL where a Monero mention can be found
<!-- Be aware of the fact that to be listed, you must specify somewhere on your website that you accept Monero. -->
#### How do you accept Monero? *(choose only one option)*
- [ ] Monero integrations *(*
- [ ] Globee
- [ ] Native wallet
- [ ] Other payment gateaway (Coinpayments, Morphtoken, etc. *Please specify*)
#### How would you categorize your business? *(choose only one option)*
- [ ] Exchange
- [ ] Block Explorer
- [ ] Payment Gateway
- [ ] Library and Helper
- [ ] Tool
- [ ] Service
- [ ] Goods
- [ ] Entertainment
#### Comment
<!-- Write here any additional comment -->
addressable (2.5.1)
public_suffix (~> 2.0, >= 2.0.2)
addressable (2.7.0)
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
builder (3.2.3)
colorator (1.1.0)
ffi (1.9.18)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.5)
em-websocket (0.5.1)
eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)
http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0)
eventmachine (1.2.7)
ffi (1.11.3)
forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
jekyll (3.5.2)
http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
i18n (0.9.5)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
jekyll (3.8.6)
addressable (~> 2.4)
colorator (~> 1.0)
em-websocket (~> 0.5)
i18n (~> 0.7)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
jekyll-watch (~> 1.1)
kramdown (~> 1.3)
jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
kramdown (~> 1.14)
liquid (~> 4.0)
mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
pathutil (~> 0.9)
rouge (~> 1.7)
rouge (>= 1.7, < 4)
safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin (1.5.1)
jekyll (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2)
sass (~> 3.4)
jekyll-watch (1.5.0)
listen (~> 3.0, < 3.1)
kramdown (1.14.0)
liquid (4.0.0)
listen (3.0.8)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
jekyll-watch (2.2.1)
listen (~> 3.0)
kramdown (1.17.0)
liquid (4.0.3)
listen (3.2.1)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
mercenary (0.3.6)
pathutil (0.14.0)
pathutil (0.16.2)
forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
public_suffix (2.0.5)
rb-fsevent (0.10.2)
rb-inotify (0.9.10)
ffi (>= 0.5.0, < 2)
rouge (1.11.1)
public_suffix (4.0.1)
rb-fsevent (0.10.3)
rb-inotify (0.10.0)
ffi (~> 1.0)
rouge (3.14.0)
rubysl-rexml (2.0.4)
safe_yaml (1.0.4)
sass (3.5.1)
safe_yaml (1.0.5)
sass (3.7.4)
sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
sass-listen (4.0.0)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
......@@ -57,4 +67,4 @@ DEPENDENCIES
Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project
Copyright (c) 2014-2020, The Monero Project
All rights reserved.
......@@ -3,52 +3,47 @@
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [What you'll need](#what-youll-need)
- [General change recommendations](#general-change-recommendations)
- [Translation](#translation)
- [housekeeping](#housekeeping)
- [How to make a blog post](#how-to-make-a-blog-post)
- [Updates on User Guides](#updates-on-user-guides)
- [How to make a blog post](#how-to-make-a-blog-post)
- [How to make a User Guide](#how-to-make-a-user-Guide)
- [How to make a Moneropedia entry](#how-to-make-a-moneropedia-entry)
- [How to make a User Guide](#how-to-make-a-user-guide)
- [How to make a Moneropedia Entry](#how-to-make-a-moneropedia-entry)
- [How to update the Team page](#how-to-update-the-team-page)
- [How to make an Event](#how-to-make-an-event)
- [How to update the Roadmap](#how-to-update-the-roadmap)
- [How to add a new Merchant](#how-to-add-a-new-merchant)
- [How to add a question to the FAQ](#how-to-add-a-question-to-the-faq)
- [How to add a publication to the Library](#how-to-add-a-publication-to-the-library)
- [Localization](#localization)
- [How to translate a page](#how-to-translate-a-page)
- [How to add a new language](#how-to-add-a-new-language)
## Introduction
This README here to walk you through everything you need to know to make changes, edits, or even completely new pages for the new [ website]( It'll definitely be a bit of a ride, so strap yourself in.
Feel free to skip down to a relevant section if you already know what you need.
If you need support about something related to the website, plese join `#monero-site` on Freenode (also relayed on Matrix and mattermost). For general info about Monero join `#monero`. We'll do whatever we can to help you.
If you need support about something related to the website, plese join `#monero-site` [Freenode/IRC](irc://, [Matrix](! and MatterMost. For general info about Monero join `#monero`. We'll do whatever we can to help you.
## What you'll need
* Jekyll: []( is made using a simple, static website generator called [Jekyll]( You will need it installed on your system to test any changes that you made. If you're using Windows, you will want to check out [this site]( for instructions on how to get Jekyll working on your system. If you're using a Linux-based system you can just follow the instructions on the website to get up and going:
* Install Ruby
* Jekyll: []( is made using a simple, static website generator called [Jekyll]( You will need it installed on your system to test any changes that you made. Follow the instructions on the website to get up and going:
* Install Ruby dependencies as suggested [in the Jekyll documentation](
* Install Bundler: `gem install bundler`
* Install Jekyll with all dependencies (run from the project directory): `bundle`
* GitHub/GitLab: Pretty much everything in Monero is hosted on [GitHub]( or [getmonero GitLab]( uses Git as the primary version control system. If you're not familiar with how to use Git, you can check out [this tutorial]( for a good overview. It will take you through pretty much everything you'll need to know to edit the website. If you haven't already, register on GitLab and fork the [Monero Website repository](
* Markdown experience: To write pages, you're going to need to know how to use Markdown. It's basically an in-between language that enables people who don't know HTML to just write, and it will be compiled into HTML for you. You can find a great Markdown cheat sheet with examples [here]( IF you need more help, Google and YouTube are great resources.
* GitHub/GitLab: Pretty much everything in Monero is hosted on [GitHub]( or [getmonero GitLab]( and uses Git as the primary version control system. If you're not familiar with how to use Git, you can check out [this tutorial]( for a good overview. It will take you through pretty much everything you'll need to know to edit the website. If you haven't already, register on GitLab and fork the [Monero Website repository]( Please note that GitLab accounts logged in using the "Log in with GitHub" option require manual intervention in order to be able to fork repositories. Either register your account using email/password or contact the Website Workgroup via GitLab or `#monero-site` to have your GitHub OAuth profile unlocked.
*Note: If you're confused, feel free to click other files in the same directory (folder) that you are in for the step that you are on to see some working examples. Compare them to the instructions and you should understand better.*
Once you have the above list of things, it's typically a good idea to build the website from your local computer to make sure it works before you make any changes. To do this, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to your local `monero-site` repository.
2. Serve the website: `bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''`
2. Serve the website: `bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''`. If you want, you can speedup thi process by loading only the last blog post instead of all of them. Simply add `--limit_posts 1` to the command above. The resulting command will be `bundle exec jekyll serve --limit_posts 1 --baseurl ''`.
3. Open a browser and go to [](
4. If all went well, you should see the Monero website and you're ready to make changes.
## General change recommendations
The average Monero user that will want to contribute to the website should probably start looking for issues labelled [⛑️ help needed]( or making blog posts, user guides or Moneropedia entries; all of which are covered in this document. If this is all you want to do, don't worry, it's actually not a daunting task at all. If you are not well versed in web development however, it is not recommended you try to do anything beyond that.
The average Monero user that will want to contribute to the website should probably start looking for issues labelled [⛑️ help needed]( or making blog posts, user guides or Moneropedia entries; all of which are covered in this document. If this is all you want to do, don't worry, it's actually not a daunting task at all.
If you are a web developer and would like to make large macro-level changes, it would be best to get in contact with rehrar and the developers on `#monero-site` or `#monero-dev` (IRC/Freenode, MatterMost, Matrix). The HTML/CSS framework is custom, though quite easy to use for a seasoned developer. Still, there are some pages that are more complicated than others and would require fair amounts of styling changes should the structure change significantly.
If you are a web developer and would like to make large macro-level changes, it would be best to open an issue first or to get in contact with the developers on `#monero-site` (IRC/Freenode, MatterMost, Matrix).
This website is completely open-source however and anything and everything is available for changing should the community deem it necessary.
......@@ -56,24 +51,92 @@ Every section from here on out will talk about how to make a specific type of we
A few random points of note:
- All external links must have http:// or https:// in front of them or they will not redirect properly.
- If you want to add a new page to the navigation, you should go to ALL LANGUAGES in the `_data/lang` folder including `template` and add the page.
- After [a discussion](, the community decided to include only open source wallets in the 'Downloads' section of the website. Requests to add closed source wallets to that page will be rejected.
- All external links must have `https://` in front of them or they will not redirect properly.
- If you want to add a new page to the navigation, you should go to ALL LANGUAGES in the `_data/lang` folder and add the page.
- It is strongly strongly STRONGLY encouraged that if you make a change, you - at the minimum - test it on your local machine before submitting a PR. Sometimes unexpected things may happen due to a change. If you change a page, check the whole page on multiple screen sizes and browsers to make sure there wasn't any collateral damage.
## Housekeeping
## Translation
In this section you'll find the info you need to translate a page and add a new translation, but keep in mind that Monero has a [Localization Workgroup]( who coordinate and give support to translators-volunteers. For live support/request of infos, come chat on `#monero-translations` (Freenode/IRC, riot/matrix, MatterMost).
### Editing the Site
When you make an edit to ANY page on the English language of this website, PLEASE copy your changes into the corresponding `/_i18n/template/` file as well.
The bulk of the website and the roadmap are translatable on Weblate, an easy to use localization platform that provide contributors with a user friendly interface: []( Before translating, please read [the guide for translators](, which contains all the info and workflows you need to know before starting.
The Monero Localization workgroup will do their best to keep tabs on all changes of the site, but it'd be nice to notify them that you've changed a page so they can make sure the equivalent pages are changed accordingly in the other languages.
We are trying to move most of the localization work on Weblate, but some parts of the website still need to be manually translated on the repository. The following instructions will tell you which files to translate and how to proceed.
### GitLab Issues
We ask that if you open an issue on the site that you remain available for clarifying questions or corrections. We do our best to close issues that are resolved when we make changes to the site, but If your issue is resolved by a contributor and the issue is not closed we ask that you close it in a timely manner. A contributor may ask you to close an issue after it's confirmed fixed. Please review the changes to the site and close your issue if you can verify that it's fixed.
### 1. Quickstart
* Navigate to the correct language in the /i18n folder and find the page you wish to translate
* Do not translate any of the `*.yml` files in the /_18n folder
* Click the file and translate the page, not touching any HTML or markdown
* Remove `{% include untranslated.html %}` from the page
* Test/Build
* Submit PR
### 2. Navigate to correct file
Go to the /i18n folder and find the two letter code for the language you wish to translate for. Enter that folder and find the file you wish to translate. The filenames are all in English and MUST NOT BE CHANGED.
### Pull Requests
Contributors should use [issue keywords]( to make it easier for maintainers to close issues when they merge. Include close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, resolved, etc in the commit message or pull request description, so that the correct issue can be closed if your PR is merged. (Example: 'fixes #1234' could close Issue 1234 when merged.)
### 3. Translate the file
Here you can do your translation. Depending on the page, you may have to maneuver around some HTML or markdown. In general, anything between two tags (such as `<p>TRANSLATE THIS</p>`) should be fine. Testing is VERY important, so do NOT skip it. If during testing, the page appears different from the original English page (besides the translated text, of course), you did something wrong and may have to start again.
#### 3.1. Notes for Moneropedia Entries
Moneropedia entries have two specificities:
Pull requests allow others to make comments or review your changes to the site. We ask that you remain available to comment or make changes to your PR. Pull requests with pending changes for more than 30 days will be closed and need to be resubmitted in the future. Sometimes someone else's changes might make your changes conflict with the current site. If that happens you may need to rebase your PR.
* The Front Matter:
Moneropedia Fron should be translated for both *entry:* and *summary:* elements. However, *terms:* should be extanded with their translation, leaving the English words **untouched**.
This is really important for compatibility purposes. With this, if a new guide is added to the site, an English term on the untranslated version of the guide in another language could be linked to the moneropedia article (of the same language).
* The old *untranslated* snippet must be removed, therefore the next section is irrelevant here.
Finally, your entry should go from:
entry: "Entry name in English"
terms: ["English", "terms"]
summary: "English summary."
{% include untranslated.html %}
entry: "Translated entry name"
terms: ["English", "terms", "translated", "terms"]
summary: "Translated summary."
### 4. set the 'translated' snippet to true
Somewhere on the page (usually the top) should be a snippet that says `{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}`. Simply change this to `{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}`. This will remove the orange bar from the bottom saying the page is untranslated.
## How to add a new language
Adding a new language can be complicated. If you feel unsure about the steps necessary, contact the Website workgroup and somebody will add the new language for you.
### 1. \_config.yml file
Navigate to the root folder of the whole website and find the file labeled `_config.yml`. Open it and find the line that says `languages:`. Add your two letter language code (Google it if you don't know it) in between the brackets after the others already present. You will need to put a comma after the previous last one.
languages: ["en", "es", "NEW LANG HERE"]
Save and exit the file.
### 2. \_data folder
Navigate to the `_data/lang` folder and copy the `en` folder. Paste it into the same folder and the copy renamed to the two letter language code of the language you will be translated to.
**The 'en' folder itself should still be there. It should not be renamed. There should be a new folder in addition to the ones that were already there.**
Translate the content of the files. Do not touch anything labeled `url`.
### 3. \_i18n folder
Navigate to the \_i18n folder and duplicate the en.yml file. Rename the duplicate to the two letter language code of your language with a `.yml`. Now duplicate the `en` folder and rename it with the correct language code.
**The original folder and yml file themselves should still be there. They should not be renamed. There should be a new folder and yml file in addition to the ones that were already there.**
### 4. Open an issue on the repo where the website is hosted
After you've done all the above, you'll need to [open an issue on the repository]( asking to add the language you are working on to Weblate, where the core of the website is translated.
## Housekeeping
### GitLab Issues
We ask that if you open an issue on the site that you remain available for clarifying questions or corrections. We do our best to close issues that are resolved when we make changes to the site, but If your issue is resolved by a contributor and the issue is not closed we ask that you close it in a timely manner. A contributor may ask you to close an issue after it's confirmed fixed. Please review the changes to the site and close your issue if you can verify that it's fixed.
## Updates on User Guides
User guides and developer guides may need regular updates, either to fix typos, to add explanations regarding new features, to update screenshots, and so on.
......@@ -111,17 +174,10 @@ And you will increment the version number in the following way:
## How to make a blog post
### 1. Quick Start
* Make new .md file in \_posts (named whatever, no spaces)
* Front Matter (below)
* Write Blog Post
* Test/Build
* Submit PR
### 2. Make a file
Navigate to the \_posts folder of the website and make a new file. Be sure the file name has no spaces and the ending is .md
### 1. Make a file
Navigate to the \_posts folder of the website and make a new file. Be sure the file name has no spaces and the ending is .md. Take a look at the other posts to get an idea of how to name yours
### 3. Front Matter
### 2. Front Matter
layout: post
......@@ -132,21 +188,14 @@ author: YOUR NAME OR HANDLE HERE
### 4. Write
### 3. Write
After the front matter is finished you are free to write the remainder of your blog post in markdown.
### 5. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically and test that your page appears in the 'News' section of the website, as well as the sidebars.
### 6. Submit Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
## How to make a User Guide
### 1. Quick Start
* Create file in /resources/user-guides with an .md ending and no spaces in filename.
* File content as in 5.3
* Create file in /\_i18n/en/resources/user-guides with the exact same filename as above ending in .md
* Write User Guide
* Add versioning snippet
......@@ -192,7 +241,7 @@ Add the version snippet at the top of your guide (before your title):
Your version should start at `1.1.0` as it is the first Major, first Minor, and no cosmetic changes have occurred.
### 6. Copy User Guide file into all languages
Copy your file and navigate to each language file in the /i18n folder. In each language folder (INCLUDING template) go to the resources/user-guides folder and paste your user guide (don't worry, you don't have to translate it) there. This is very important, and the site will not build if the file with the same name is not in each language folder.
Copy your file and navigate to each language file in the /i18n folder. In each language folder go to the resources/user-guides folder and paste your user guide (don't worry, you don't have to translate it) there. This is very important, and the site will not build if the file with the same name is not in each language folder.
As you paste into each folder, open up the file and edit the snippet at the top of the file (before your title) to mark it untranslated:
`{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}`. This does not need to be done in the original language that the User Guide was written in.
......@@ -206,15 +255,9 @@ This file will look quite different because it's HTML. Don't panic. Simply Ctrl
Once you've identified the non-indented area under the category you would like your User Guide to be under, you can use markdown to insert your link with the others in alphabetic order. `[TITLE OF USER GUIDE]({{site.baseurl}}/LINK-TO-USER-GUIDE.html)`. Please note that the file name in between the parentheses must be EXACTLY the same name as the permalink you made in step 5.3, but with a `.html` at the end instead of `.md` and the snippet `{{site.baseurl}}/` before the link.
In the event that you think your User Guide should be in a new Category that doesn't exist yet, contact rehrar to make one for you.
Repeat the above process for each language version of this index page INCLUDING THE template.
### 8. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically and test that your link appears in the correct category and that it leads to your User Guide when clicked. Test your User Guide in the browser and contact rehrar if there are any bugs.
In the event that you think your User Guide should be in a new Category that doesn't exist yet, contact the Website workgroup.
### 9. Submit Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
Repeat the above process for each language version of this index page.
## How to make a Moneropedia Entry
......@@ -263,14 +306,6 @@ summary: "PUT SUMMARY OF YOUR ENTRY HERE IN QUOTES"
{% include untranslated.html %}
If you want to translate in your native language, go to the 14.3.2 section below to read about specificities.
### 5. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically and test check the link to your entry is appearing on the alphabetical list of Moneropedia entries and that it leads to your entry when clicked. Test your Moneropedia entry in the browser and contact rehrar if there are any bugs.
### 6. Submit Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
## How to update the Team page
If you are acting on behalf of another individual, please make sure you get their permission first before adding them onto the Team page.
......@@ -291,90 +326,40 @@ Put the name or handle of the person in the `name` section and in the `url:` se
Save the file.
### 2. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically. If the build fails and you receive an error, you may have messed up somewhere in the `team.yml` file back in 8.1. Go back to that section and check the indentation. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it has to be perfect.
If the build is successful, go to the Team page `/community/team/` and check to see that the contributor is showing up in the correct place. Click their GitHub or GitLab link (if applicable) and make sure it redirects correctly. Test the page and let rehrar know if there are any bugs.
### 3. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
## How to make an Event
### 1. Edit the .yml file
Navigate to the `/_data/` folder and open `events.yml`. You will notice a list separated by hyphenated `-event` tags.
Find the area that you want to update and copy the code below:
- event:
and paste it IN THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER that it will be in. So if there is an event happening before yours, make sure it is higher up than yours. If there is an event happening AFTER yours, make sure it is after your event.
Fill in the data as follows:
* `event:` The name of the event goes here as well as the date. The recommended format is: `Event Name - January 1st, 2000`
* `where:` Where the event will take place. Venue name and address are recommended.
* `when:` Date and time
* `description:` Description of the happenings of your event
* `link:` The website of your event (if applicable, this can be left blank and everything will be ok). This link must have http:// at the beginning if it is an external link.
**Make sure the indentation is EXACTLY the same as the other proposals in the area. If it's not the jekyll build WILL fail.**
Save the file.
### 2. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically. If the build fails and you receive an error, you may have messed up somewhere in the `events.yml` file back in 9.1. Go back to that section and check the indentation. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it has to be perfect.
If the build is successful, go to the Events page `/community/events/` and check to see that the event is showing up in the correct place. Click their Event url link (if applicable) and make sure it redirects correctly. Test the page and let rehrar know if there are any bugs.
### 3. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
## How to update the Roadmap
### 1. Edit the .yml file
Navigate to the `/_data/` folder and open `roadmap.yml`. You will notice a list separated by hyphenated `-year` tags.
Navigate to the `/_data/` folder and open `lang/en/roadmap.yml`. You will notice this structure:
Find the year that you want to update and copy the code below:
- name:
- month:
- name:
and paste it in the correct year's `accomplishments:` section IN THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER that it will be in. So if there is a accomplishment that happened/is happening before the one you are inputting, make sure it is higher up than yours. If there is an accomplishment that happened/is happening AFTER yours, make sure it is after yours. If you don't have exact dates, just do your best to estimate.
Where STATUS can be either `completed`, `ongoing` or `upcoming`.
Fill in the data as follows:
* `name:` The name of the accomplishment. Try to keep it short, a sentence or two at most.
* `date:` When the accomplishment happened (past) or when it is expected to happen (future)
* `status:` If the task is done, put `completed`, if the task is currently in the works put `ongoing`, and if work on the task has not yet started to your knowledge, but is expected to, put `upcoming`.
Look for the year and month related to the entry you want to add, if the month and status are already present, simply add `- name: NAME OF YOUR ENTRY` in the correct position.
**Make sure the indentation is EXACTLY the same as the other proposals in the area. If it's not the jekyll build WILL fail.**
For example, there was a new release on March 2020 and you would like to add it to the roadmap as "completed":
Save the file.
- Scroll the `roadmap.yml` file until you arrive to `year_2020`
- The milestone happened in March so you need to look for that month (`- month: March`)
- Since the milestione has been already achieved, look for the `completed:` status.
- Under it add `-name: NAME OF YOUR ACHIEVED MULESTONE`. Which in our case would be `-name: release wallet WHATEVER`
### 2. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically. If the build fails and you receive an error, you may have messed up somewhere in the `roadmap.yml` file back in 10.1. Go back to that section and check the indentation. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it has to be perfect.
If a year, month or status is missing, simpluy adding by following the structure you see in the page.
If the build is successful, go to the Events page `/resources/roadmap/` and check to see that the newly added accomplishment is showing up in the correct place in the correct year. Test the page and let rehrar know if there are any bugs.
**Make sure the indentation is EXACTLY the same as the other proposals in the area. If it's not the jekyll build WILL fail.**
### 3. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
The translation of the roadmap happens [on Weblate](
## How to add a new Merchant
### 1. Edit the .yml file
Navigate to the `/_data/` folder and open `merchants.yml`. You will notice a list separated by hyphenated `-category` tags.
Find the category that best describes your business/service and copy the code below:
Find the category that best describes your business/service and copy the code below, making sure you are keeping the alphabetic order consistent:
- name:
......@@ -389,54 +374,8 @@ Fill in the data as follows:
Save the file.
### 2. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically. If the build fails and you receive an error, you may have messed up somewhere in the `merchants.yml` file back in 10.1. Go back to that section and check the indentation. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it has to be perfect.
If the build is successful, go to the Merchants page `/community/merchants/` and check to see that the business is showing up in the correct category and that the link is redirecting correctly. Test the page and let rehrar know if there are any bugs.
### 3. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
## How to add a question to the FAQ
### 1. Copy/Paste Code
Navigate to the `/get-started/faq` folder and open the `` file. Inside you will see HTML code, but you will see it is very repetitive.
Copy the code below:
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-CHANGETHIS" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordian">
<label for="tab-CHANGETHIS" class="accordian">CHANGE QUESTION</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
And paste it at the very bottom of the file (literally underneath everything else).
Now we're going to change just a couple of things. Find the section with:
<input id="tab-CHANGETHIS" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordian">
<label for="tab-CHANGETHIS" class="accordian">CHANGE QUESTION</label>
and change the sections in between the quotes that say 'CHANGETHIS'. Leave the first part `tab-` alone. You can change it to anything really, as long as they are identical in the input and label, but it's good to see what number is on the last FAQ question (i.e. `tab-nine`) and make it the next number.
Now inside the label tag you're going to find where it says 'CHANGE QUESTION' and change it to the Question you want answered.
Lastly, find the words 'CHANGE ANSWER' and change it to the answer of your question.
**DO NOT MESS WITH THE INDENTATION HERE. The div that has `markdown=1` MUST be flush with the left side, the answer to the question must start flush with the left side, and the `</div>` MUST be flush with the left side.**
### 2. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically. If the build is successful, go to the FAQ page `/get-started/faq/` and check to see that your question is showing up and, when clicked, the answer drops down. If not, check to make sure that the `id="tab-CHANGETHIS"` in the input and the `for="CHANGETHIS"` in the label are identical to each other. Test the page and let rehrar know if there are any bugs.
### 3. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
The structure of the FAQ is a bit more complex than it used to be and contains anchors, variables and a TOC. A step by step guide would be too complex to follow. A basic knowledge of HTML is necessary to edit the page. If you wish to add a new FAQ please open an issue in the repository or/and contact the Website workgroup.
## How to add a publication to the Library
......@@ -450,8 +389,6 @@ Navigate to the `/_i18n/` folder and open `en.yml`.
Go down until you find the `library` section. You will notice a list separated by hyphenated `-category` tags in a `books:` section.
Find the category that best corresponds your publication and copy the code below:
- name: "<name>"
......@@ -471,104 +408,4 @@ Fill in the placeholders as follows:
**Make sure the indentation is EXACTLY the same as the other proposals in the area. If it's not the jekyll build WILL fail.**
Save the file.
open other `*.yml` files and copy the same code to it, in the exact same place.
### 3. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically. If the build fails and you receive an error, you may have messed up somewhere in a `*.yml` file back in 13.1. Go back to that section and check the indentation. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it has to be perfect.
If the build is successful, go to the Library page `/library/` and check to see that the publication is showing up in the correct category and that the link is downloading correctly. Test the page and let rehrar know if there are any bugs.
### 4. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
## Translations
In this section you'll find the info you need to translate a page and add a new translation, but keep in mind that Monero has a [Localization Workgroup]( who coordinate and give support to translators-volunteers. You can find an updated guide and an example of the workflow we use on our [Guide on Taiga]( (frequently updated), also, for live support/request of infos, come chat on `#monero-translations` (Freenode/IRC, riot/matrix, MatterMost).
## How to translate a page
### 1. Quickstart
* Navigate to the correct language in the /i18n folder and find the page you wish to translate
* Click the file and translate the page, not touching any HTML or markdown.
* Remove `{% include untranslated.html %}` from the page
* Test/Build
* Submit PR
### 2. Naviate to correct file
Go to the /i18n folder and find the two letter code for the language you wish to translate for. Enter that folder and find the file you wish to translate. The filenames are all in English and MUST NOT BE CHANGED.
### 3. Translate the file
Here you can do your translation. Depending on the page, you may have to maneuver around some HTML or markdown. In general, anything between two tags (such as `<p>TRANSLATE THIS</p>`) should be fine. Testing is VERY important, so do NOT skip step 13.4. If during testing, the page appears different from the original English page (besides the translated text of course), you did something wrong and may have to start again.
#### 3.1. Notes for Moneropedia Entries
Moneropedia entries have two specificities:
* The Front Matter:
Moneropedia Fron should be translated for both *entry:* and *summary:* elements. However, *terms:* should be extanded with their translation, leaving the English words **untouched**.
This is really important for compatibility purposes. With this, if a new guide is added to the site, an English term on the untranslated version of the guide in another language could be linked to the moneropedia article (of the same language).
* The old *untranslated* snippet must be removed, therefore the next section 14.4 is irrelevant here.
Finally, your entry should go from:
entry: "Entry name in English"
terms: ["English", "terms"]
summary: "English summary."
{% include untranslated.html %}
entry: "Translated entry name"
terms: ["English", "terms", "translated", "terms"]
summary: "Translated summary."
### 4. set the 'translated' snippet to true
Somewhere on the page (usually the top) should be a snippet that says `{% include disclaimer.html translated="false" version=page.version %}`. Simply change this to `{% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %}`. This will remove the orange bar from the bottom saying the page is untranslated.
### 5. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve` if it's not rebuilding automatically.
If the build is successful, go to the correct page in the correct language and check to see that everything is translated, and that the page looks identical to the original English page (besides the translated text). Test the page and let rehrar know if there are any bugs.
### 6. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
## How to add a new language
Whoo boy, this is the big one. Please follow all directions exactly.
### 1. \_config.yml file
Navigate to the root folder of the whole website and find the file labeled `_config.yml`. Open it and find the line that says `languages:`. Add your two letter language code (Google it if you don't know it) in between the brackets after the others already present. You will need to put a comma after the previous last one.
languages: ["en", "es", "NEW LANG HERE"]
Save and exit the file.
### 2. \_data folder
Navigate to the `_data/lang` folder and copy the `template` folder. Paste it into the same folder and the copy renamed to the two letter language code of the language you will be translated to.
**The template folder itself should still be there. It should not be renamed. There should be a new folder in addition to the ones that were already there.**
Translate the content of the files. Do not touch anything labeled `url`, and in the roadmap.yml ONLY translate the `name:` content.
### 3. \_i18n folder
Navigate to the \_i18n folder and duplicate the en.yml file. Rename the duplicate to the two letter language code of your language with a `.yml` at the end and change all sections marked 'translated: "yes"' to 'translated: "no"'. Change back to 'yes' once you have translated that section. Now duplicate the `en` folder and rename it with the correct language code.
**The original folder and yml file themselves should still be there. They should not be renamed. There should be a new folder and yml file in addition to the ones that were already there.**
Enter the .yml file and translate everything there.
### 4. Translate
If you will be translating the content, please refer to section 13.0 in this README for instructions on translating pages.
### 5. Build/Test
Build your website using `jekyll serve`. If the build is successful, navigate to any page on the site and check to make sure that your language is appearing in the dropdown for languages on both mobile and desktop.
### 6. Submit a Pull Request
You're all done. Submit a PR and wait for it to be reviewed and merged. Be sure to make any changes if requested.
Save the file.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ kramdown:
smart_quotes: ["apos", "apos", "quot", "quot"]
input: GFM
exclude: [""]
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# paginate
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version: Bleeding edge (possibly unstable)
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- platform: Hardware Wallets
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icon: icon-linux
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icon: icon-linux
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hash: b0ea91c4d0f68d8d85ba15ed537bdd81589fa796f88d96aec451543f87b9fdb7
icon: icon-freebsd
......@@ -2,5 +2,3 @@
url: legal
- name: شفره المصدر
- name: المواصفات التقنيه
url: technical-specs/
......@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@
url: downloads/
- title: آخر الأخبار
- page: جميع المشاركات
url: blog
- page: خطابات
url: blog/tags/monero%20missives.html
- page: سجل الإجتماعات
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: Urgent
url: blog/tags/urgent.html
- page: الإصدارات
url: blog/tags/releases.html
- page: Community
url: blog/tags/community.html
- page: سجل الإجتماعات
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: جميع المشاركات
url: blog
- title: المجتمع
- page: الفريق
- year: 2014
- month: April
- name: تم إنشاء المشروع علي Bitcointalk
date: 2014-04-18
status: completed
- name: تغيير الإسم من بيت مونيرو إلي مونيرو
date: 2014-04-23
status: completed
- name: تم التعافي من هجمه اسبام
date: 2014-09-04
status: completed
- name: تم نشر أول ورقتين بحث لمختبر بحث مونيرو
date: 2014-09-12
status: completed
- name: تم نشر الورقه البحثيه الثالثه لمختبر بحث مونيرو
date: 2014-09-25
status: completed
- name: نشر الإصدار رقم
date: 2014-12-08
status: completed
- year: 2015
- name: الورقه البحثيه الرابعه لمختبر بحث مونيرو
date: 2015-01-26
status: completed
- year: 2016
- name: 0.9.0 نشر الإصدار رقم
date: 2016-01-01
status: completed
- name: الورقه البحثيه الخامسه لمختبر البحث
date: 2016-02-10
status: completed
- name: تحديث للشبكه لإستخدام 3 كأقل عدد لحجم الحلقات اللازم لكل المعاملات
date: 2016-03-22
status: completed
- name: 0.10.0 نشر الإصدار رقم
date: 2016-09-18
status: completed
- name: تحديث للشبكه لفصل معامله الاساس الي عده فئات
date: 2016-09-21
status: completed
- name: 0.10.1 نشر الإصدار
date: 2016-12-14
status: completed
- name: الإصدار التجريبي الاول للواجهه الرسوميه الرسميه
date: 2016-12-22
status: completed
- year: 2017
- name: تحديث الشبكه للسماح بمعاملات الحقل السريه
date: 2017-01-05
status: completed
- name: 0.10.2 الإصدار رقم , تم معالجه ثغيره خطيره
date: 2017-02-22
status: completed
- name: الإصدار رقم
date: 2017-03-27
status: completed
- name: تحديث للشبكه لتعديل أقل حجم للكتل و خوارزميه الرسوم الديناميكية
date: 2017-04-15
status: completed
- name: إعاده تصميم الموقع
date: 2017-07-04
status: completed
- name: إصدار رقم
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: الكتل الرقيقه
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: نهايه المرحله التجريبيه للواجهه الرسوميه
date: 2017-09-10
status: completed
- name: تحديث للشبكه لإستخدام 5 كأقل عدد لحجم الحلقات اللازم و إلزام معاملات الحقل السريه لكل المعاملات
date: 2017-09-15
status: completed
- name: Renamed from Bitmonero to Monero
- month: September
- name: Recovered from a spam attack
- name: Monero Research Lab Papers 1 and 2 published
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 3 published
- month: December
- name: released
- month: January
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 4 published
- month: January
- name: 0.9.0 Hydrogen Helix released
- month: February
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 5 published
- month: March
- name: Network Upgrade to require minimum ringsize of 3 on all transactions
- month: September
- name: 0.10.0 Wolfram Warptangent released
- name: Network Upgrade to split coinbase into denominations
- month: December
- name: 0.10.1 Wolfram Warptangent released
- name: Official GUI Beta 1 released
- month: January
- name: Network Upgrade to enable RingCT transactions
- month: February
- name: 0.10.2 released; critical vulnerability patched
- month: March
- name: Wolfram Warptangent released
- month: April
- name: Network Upgrade to adjust minimum blocksize and dynamic fee algorithm
- month: July
- name: Website redesigned
- month: September
- name: Helium Hydra released
- name: Fluffy blocks
- name: GUI out of beta
- name: Network Upgrade to increase minimum ringsize to 5 and require RingCT transactions
- name: GUI Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-09-24
status: completed
- name: 0MQ/ZeroMQ
date: September, 2017
status: completed
- name: العناوين الفرعيه
date: October, 2017
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Subaddresses
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 6 published
date: 2017-10-03
status: completed
- name: Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-10-25
status: completed
- name: GUI Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-10-27
status: completed
- name: ثنائيه التوقيع (multisig)
date: December, 2017
status: completed
- year: 2018
- month: December
- name: Multi-signatures (multisig)
- month: March
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-03-24
status: completed
- month: April
- name: GUI Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-04-04
status: completed
- name: تقنيه إثبات العمل جديده CryptoNightV2
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: تحديث للشبكه لإستخدام 7 كأقل عدد لحجم الحلقات اللازم, دمح ثنائيه التوقيع , العناوين الفرعيه , وتغيير تقنيه إثبات العمل
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: ترجمه الموقع إلي الفرنسيه والبولنديه
date: 2018-04-24
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightV2
- name: Network upgrade to increase minimal ringsize to 7, integrate multisig, subaddresses, and change PoW algo
- name: Localization in French and Polish
- month: May
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-05-23
status: completed
- name: الإصدار الأول لمشروع كوفري
date: 2018-08-01
status: completed
- month: June
- name: Ledger Hardware Wallets Support
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-06-04
status: completed
- month: July
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-07-23
status: completed
- name: GUI Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-07-27
status: completed
- name: إعاده تصميم نظام التمويل بالمنتدي
status: ongoing
- month: August
- name: Kovri alpha release
- name: Moneropedia open for Localization
date: 2018-08-03
status: completed
- name: Localization in Arabic
date: 2018-08-10
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-11
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-14
status: completed
- name: تقنيه إثبات العمل جديده CryptoNightV3
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Implementation of BulletProofs instead of RingCT to reduce transaction sizes
status: ongoing
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightV3
- name: Implementation of Bulletproofs to reduce transaction sizes
- name: Network upgrade to increase minimal ringsize to 11, integrate Bulletproofs, update fees calculation algorithm, and change PoW algo
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-25
status: completed
- month: Nobember
- name: Monero Research Lab Papers 8 and 9 published
date: 2018-11-01
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-11-19
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 7 published
date: 2018-11-26
status: completed
- month: December
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 10 published
date: 2018-12-04
status: completed
- name: Implementation of Monero Messaging System (MMS) to automate multisig wallets information exchange
date: 2018-12-20
status: completed
- year: 2019
- month: February
- name: Localization in German
date: 2019-02-11
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-02-25
status: completed
- month: March
- name: GUI Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-03-01
status: completed
- name: New Community Crowdfunding System (CCS) to replace the Forum Funding System (FFS)
date: 2019-03-06
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-03-08
status: completed
- name: تقنيه إثبات العمل جديده CryptoNightVR
date: 2019-03-09
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightR
- name: Localization in Brazilian-Portuguese and Dutch
date: 2019-03-12
status: completed
- name: Trezor Hardware Wallets Support
status: ongoing
- name: Pruning nodes
status: ongoing
- name: Broadcast transaction over Tor
status: upcoming
- name: tini2p integration
status: upcoming
- name: Kovri Integration
status: upcoming
- name: Return address
status: upcoming
- name: تقنيه إثبات العمل جديده RandomX
status: upcoming
- year: 2020
- name: Anonymity network aggregator for data transmission
status: upcoming
- name: حلول الطبقه الثانيه للسرعه و قابليه التوسع
status: upcoming
- name: أوراق بحثيه إضافيه لمختبر بحث مونيرو
status: upcoming
- month: May
- name: "DLSAG: Non-Interactive Refund Transactions For Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero"
- month: July
- name: Blockchain pruning
- name: Trezor model T support
- name: Ledger Nano X support
- name: Tor & I2P CLI wallet integration
- name: Multisig Messaging System
- month: October
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- month: November
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- name: Pay for service system using mining (RPC-Pay)
- name: IPv6 support
- name: Standalone (long) payment ID support removed
- name: GUI automatic remote nodes discovering and switching option
- name: New Proof of Work RandomX
- month: February
- name: Getmonero translatable on Weblate
- month: March
- name: GUI released
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Onion address for
- name: Implementation of the Dandelion++ protocol
- name: Wallet scanning speedups (support for supercop ASM)
- name: Concise linkable spontaneous anonymous group (CLSAG) signatures
- name: "Triptych: logarithmic-sized linkable ring signatures with applications"
- name: "Kastelo: open source hardware wallet"
- name: Second-layer solutions for speed and scalability
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Return addresses
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,5 +2,3 @@
url: legal
- name: Quellcode
- name: Technische Spezifikationen
url: technical-specs/
......@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@
url: downloads/
- title: Neuigkeiten
- page: Alle Einträge
url: blog
- page: Ankündigungen
url: blog/tags/monero%20missives.html
- page: Protokolle
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: Dringend
url: blog/tags/urgent.html
- page: Versionen
url: blog/tags/releases.html
- page: Gemeinschaft
url: blog/tags/community.html
- page: Protokolle
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: Alle Einträge
url: blog
- title: Community
- page: Team
......@@ -52,3 +54,5 @@
url: technical-specs
- page: Bibliothek
url: library
- page: Press Kit
url: press-kit
\ No newline at end of file
- year: 2014
- month: April
- name: Veröffentlicht auf Bitcointalk
date: 2014-04-18
status: completed
- name: Umbenennung von Bitmonero zu Monero
date: 2014-04-23
status: completed
- month: September
- name: Erholung von einer Spamattacke
date: 2014-09-04
status: completed
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Papers 1 und 2 veröffentlicht
date: 2014-09-12
status: completed
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Paper 3 veröffentlicht
date: 2014-09-25
status: completed
- month: December
- name: veröffentlicht
date: 2014-12-08
status: completed
- year: 2015
- month: January
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Paper 4 veröffentlicht
date: 2015-01-26
status: completed
- year: 2016
- month: January
- name: 0.9.0 Hydrogen Helix veröffentlicht
date: 2016-01-01
status: completed
- month: February
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Paper 5 veröffentlicht
date: 2016-02-10
status: completed
- month: March
- name: Netzwerkupgrade, das eine minimale Ringgröße von 3 für alle Transaktionen voraussetzt
date: 2016-03-22
status: completed
- month: September
- name: 0.10.0 Wolfram Warptangent veröffentlicht
date: 2016-09-18
status: completed
- name: Netzwerkupgrade um ungleiche Transaktionsbeträge unter den Ringen zu ermöglichen
date: 2016-09-21
status: completed
- month: December
- name: 0.10.1 Wolfram Warptangent veröffentlicht
date: 2016-12-14
status: completed
- name: Offizielle GUI Beta 1 veröffentlicht
date: 2016-12-22
status: completed
- year: 2017
- month: January
- name: Netzwerkupgrade, um RingCT Transaktionen zu ermöglichen
date: 2017-01-05
status: completed
- month: February
- name: 0.10.2 veröffentlicht; kritische Schwachstelle gepatcht
date: 2017-02-22
status: completed
- month: March
- name: Wolfram Warptangent veröffentlicht
date: 2017-03-27
status: completed
- month: April
- name: Netzwerkupgrade, das die kleinstmögliche Blockgröße und den dynamischen Gebührenalgorithmus anpasst
date: 2017-04-15
status: completed
- month: July
- name: Webseite neu gestaltet
date: 2017-07-04
status: completed
- month: September
- name: Helium Hydra veröffentlicht
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: Fluffy-Blocks
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: Fluffy blocks
- name: Betaphase der GUI beendet
date: 2017-09-10
status: completed
- name: Netzwerkupgrade, das die minimale Ringgröße auf 5 anhebt und RingCT voraussetzt
date: 2017-09-15
status: completed
- name: GUI Helium Hydra veröffentlicht
date: 2017-09-24
status: completed
- name: 0MQ/ZeroMQ
date: September, 2017
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Subadressen
date: October, 2017
status: completed
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Paper 6 veröffentlicht
date: 2017-10-03
status: completed
- name: Helium Hydra veröffentlicht
date: 2017-10-25
status: completed
- name: GUI Helium Hydra veröffentlicht
date: 2017-10-27
status: completed
- month: December
- name: Mehrfachsignaturen (multisig)
date: December, 2017
status: completed
- year: 2018
- month: March
- name: Lithium Luna veröffentlicht
date: 2018-03-24
status: completed
- month: April
- name: GUI Lithium Luna veröffentlicht
date: 2018-04-04
status: completed
- name: Neuer PoW CryptoNightV2
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: Netzwerkupgrade, das die minimale Ringgröße auf 7 erhöht, Mehrfachsignaturen und Subadressen integriert und den PoW-Algorithmus ändert
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: " Übersetzungen in Französisch und Polnisch"
date: 2018-04-24
status: completed
- month: May
- name: Lithium Luna veröffentlicht
date: 2018-05-23
status: completed
- month: June
- name: Hardware-Wallets von Ledger werden unterstützt
date: 2018-06-04
status: completed
- name: Lithium Luna veröffentlicht
date: 2018-06-04
status: completed
- month: July
- name: Lithium Luna veröffentlicht
date: 2018-07-23
status: completed
- name: GUI Lithium Luna veröffentlicht
date: 2018-07-27
status: completed
- month: August
- name: Kovri Alpha veröffentlicht
date: 2018-08-01
status: completed
- name: Moneropedia open for Localization
date: 2018-08-03
status: completed
- name: " Übersetzungen in Arabisch"
date: 2018-08-10
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Beryllium Bullet veröffentlicht
date: 2018-10-11
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet veröffentlicht
date: 2018-10-14
status: completed
- name: Neuer PoW CryptoNightV3
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Implementation von BulletProofs anstelle von RingCT, um Transaktionsgrößen zu verringern
status: ongoing
- name: Network upgrade to increase minimal ringsize to 11, integrate Bulletproofs, update fees calculation algorithm, and change PoW algo
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Beryllium Bullet veröffentlicht
date: 2018-10-25
status: completed
- month: Nobember
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Papers 8 und 9 veröffentlicht
date: 2018-11-01
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet veröffentlicht
date: 2018-11-19
status: completed
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Paper 7 veröffentlicht
date: 2018-11-26
status: completed
- month: December
- name: „Monero Research Lab“-Paper 10 veröffentlicht
date: 2018-12-04
status: completed
- name: Implementation of Monero Messaging System (MMS) to automate multisig wallets information exchange
date: 2018-12-20
status: completed
- year: 2019
- month: February
- name: Localization in German
date: 2019-02-11
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly veröffentlicht
date: 2019-02-25
status: completed
- name: GUI Boron Butterfly veröffentlicht
date: 2019-03-01
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly released
- month: March
- name: GUI Boron Butterfly released
- name: New Community Crowdfunding System (CCS) to replace the Forum Funding System (FFS)
date: 2019-03-06
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly veröffentlicht
date: 2019-03-08
status: completed
- name: Neuer PoW CryptoNightR
date: 2019-03-09
status: completed
- name: " Übersetzungen in Brasilien-Portugiesisch und Niederländisch"
date: 2019-03-12
status: completed
- name: Trezor Hardware Wallets Support
status: ongoing
- name: Pruning nodes
status: ongoing
- name: Broadcast transaction over Tor
status: upcoming
- name: tini2p integration
status: upcoming
- name: Kovri Integration
status: upcoming
- name: Return address
status: upcoming
- name: Neuer PoW RandomX
status: upcoming
- year: 2020
- name: Anonymity network aggregator for data transmission
status: upcoming
- name: Zweitschichtlösungen für bessere Geschwindigkeit und Skalierbarkeit
status: upcoming
- name: Weitere „Monero Research Lab“-Papers
status: upcoming
- name: Boron Butterfly released
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightR
- name: Localization in Brazilian-Portuguese and Dutch
- month: May
- name: "DLSAG: Non-Interactive Refund Transactions For Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero"
- month: July
- name: Blockchain pruning
- name: Trezor model T support
- name: Ledger Nano X support
- name: Tor & I2P CLI wallet integration
- name: Multisig Messaging System
- month: October
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- month: November
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- name: Pay for service system using mining (RPC-Pay)
- name: IPv6 support
- name: Standalone (long) payment ID support removed
- name: GUI automatic remote nodes discovering and switching option
- name: New Proof of Work RandomX
- month: February
- name: Getmonero translatable on Weblate
- month: March
- name: GUI released
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Onion address for
- name: Implementation of the Dandelion++ protocol
- name: Wallet scanning speedups (support for supercop ASM)
- name: Concise linkable spontaneous anonymous group (CLSAG) signatures
- name: "Triptych: logarithmic-sized linkable ring signatures with applications"
- name: "Kastelo: open source hardware wallet"
- name: Second-layer solutions for speed and scalability
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Return addresses
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- name: Library
url: library
- name: RSS Feed
url: rss
- title: IRC Channels
- name: monero
......@@ -2,5 +2,3 @@
url: legal
- name: Source Code
- name: Technical Specs
url: technical-specs/
......@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@
url: downloads/
- title: Recent News
- page: All Posts
url: blog
- page: Missives
url: blog/tags/monero%20missives.html
- page: Meeting Logs
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: Urgent
url: blog/tags/urgent.html
- page: Releases
url: blog/tags/releases.html
- page: Community
url: blog/tags/community.html
- page: Meeting Logs
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: All Posts
url: blog
- title: Community
- page: Team
......@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@
url: resources/user-guides
- page: Developer Guides
url: resources/developer-guides
- page: Technical Specs
url: technical-specs
- page: Library
url: library
\ No newline at end of file
url: library
- page: Press Kit
url: press-kit
- year: 2014
- month: April
- name: Launched on Bitcointalk
date: 2014-04-18
status: completed
- name: Renamed from Bitmonero to Monero
date: 2014-04-23
status: completed
- month: September
- name: Recovered from a spam attack
date: 2014-09-04
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Papers 1 and 2 published
date: 2014-09-12
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 3 published
date: 2014-09-25
status: completed
- month: December
- name: released
date: 2014-12-08
status: completed
- year: 2015
- month: January
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 4 published
date: 2015-01-26
status: completed
- year: 2016
- month: January
- name: 0.9.0 Hydrogen Helix released
date: 2016-01-01
status: completed
- month: February
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 5 published
date: 2016-02-10
status: completed
- month: March
- name: Network Upgrade to require minimum ringsize of 3 on all transactions
date: 2016-03-22
status: completed
- month: September
- name: 0.10.0 Wolfram Warptangent released
date: 2016-09-18
status: completed
- name: Network Upgrade to split coinbase into denominations
date: 2016-09-21
status: completed
- month: December
- name: 0.10.1 Wolfram Warptangent released
date: 2016-12-14
status: completed
- name: Official GUI Beta 1 released
date: 2016-12-22
status: completed
- year: 2017
- month: January
- name: Network Upgrade to enable RingCT transactions
date: 2017-01-05
status: completed
- month: February
- name: 0.10.2 released; critical vulnerability patched
date: 2017-02-22
status: completed
- month: March
- name: Wolfram Warptangent released
date: 2017-03-27
status: completed
- month: April
- name: Network Upgrade to adjust minimum blocksize and dynamic fee algorithm
date: 2017-04-15
status: completed
- month: July
- name: Website redesigned
date: 2017-07-04
status: completed
- month: September
- name: Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: Fluffy blocks
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: GUI out of beta
date: 2017-09-10
status: completed
- name: Network Upgrade to increase minimum ringsize to 5 and require RingCT transactions
date: 2017-09-15
status: completed
- name: GUI Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-09-24
status: completed
- name: 0MQ/ZeroMQ
date: September, 2017
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Subaddresses
date: October, 2017
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 6 published
date: 2017-10-03
status: completed
- name: Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-10-25
status: completed
- name: GUI Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-10-27
status: completed
- month: December
- name: Multi-signatures (multisig)
date: December, 2017
status: completed
- year: 2018
- month: March
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-03-24
status: completed
- month: April
- name: GUI Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-04-04
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightV2
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: Network upgrade to increase minimal ringsize to 7, integrate multisig, subaddresses, and change PoW algo
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: Localization in French and Polish
date: 2018-04-24
status: completed
- month: May
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-05-23
status: completed
- month: June
- name: Ledger Hardware Wallets Support
date: 2018-06-04
status: completed
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-06-04
status: completed
- month: July
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-07-23
status: completed
- name: GUI Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-07-27
status: completed
- month: August
- name: Kovri alpha release
date: 2018-08-01
status: completed
- name: Moneropedia open for Localization
date: 2018-08-03
status: completed
- name: Localization in Arabic
date: 2018-08-10
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-11
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-14
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightV3
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Implementation of Bulletproofs to reduce transaction sizes
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Network upgrade to increase minimal ringsize to 11, integrate Bulletproofs, update fees calculation algorithm, and change PoW algo
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-25
status: completed
- month: November
- name: Monero Research Lab Papers 8 and 9 published
date: 2018-11-01
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-11-19
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 7 published
date: 2018-11-26
status: completed
- month: December
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 10 published
date: 2018-12-04
status: completed
- name: Implementation of Monero Messaging System (MMS) to automate multisig wallets information exchange
date: 2018-12-20
status: completed
- year: 2019
- month: February
- name: Localization in German
date: 2019-02-11
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-02-25
status: completed
- month: March
- name: GUI Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-03-01
status: completed
- name: New Community Crowdfunding System (CCS) to replace the Forum Funding System (FFS)
date: 2019-03-06
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-03-08
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightR
date: 2019-03-09
status: completed
- name: Localization in Brazilian-Portuguese and Dutch
date: 2019-03-12
status: completed
- name: Trezor Hardware Wallets Support
status: ongoing
- name: Pruning nodes
status: ongoing
- name: Broadcast transaction over Tor
status: upcoming
- name: tini2p integration
status: upcoming
- name: Kovri Integration
status: upcoming
- name: Return address
status: upcoming
- month: May
- name: "DLSAG: Non-Interactive Refund Transactions For Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero"
- month: July
- name: Blockchain pruning
- name: Trezor model T support
- name: Ledger Nano X support
- name: Tor & I2P CLI wallet integration
- name: Multisig Messaging System
- month: October
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- month: November
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- name: Pay for service system using mining (RPC-Pay)
- name: IPv6 support
- name: Standalone (long) payment ID support removed
- name: GUI automatic remote nodes discovering and switching option
- name: New Proof of Work RandomX
status: upcoming
- year: 2020
- name: Anonymity network aggregator for data transmission
status: upcoming
- month: February
- name: Getmonero translatable on Weblate
- month: March
- name: GUI released
- name: CLI released
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Onion address for
- name: Implementation of the Dandelion++ protocol
- name: Wallet scanning speedups (support for supercop ASM)
- name: Concise linkable spontaneous anonymous group (CLSAG) signatures
- name: "Triptych: logarithmic-sized linkable ring signatures with applications"
- name: "Kastelo: open source hardware wallet"
- name: Second-layer solutions for speed and scalability
status: upcoming
- name: Additional MRL research papers
status: upcoming
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Return addresses
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,5 +2,3 @@
url: legal
- name: Código Fuente
- name: Especificaciones Técnicas
url: technical-specs/
......@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@
url: downloads
- title: Noticias
- page: Todas publicaciones
url: blog
- page: Misivas
url: blog/tags/monero%20missives.html
- page: Transcripciones de reuniones
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: Urgente
url: blog/tags/urgent.html
- page: Lanzamientos
url: blog/tags/releases.html
- page: Comunidad
url: blog/tags/community.html
- page: Transcripciones de reuniones
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: Todas publicaciones
url: blog
- title: Comunidad
- page: Equipo
......@@ -51,4 +53,6 @@
- page: Especificaciones técnicas
url: technical-specs
- page: Librería
url: library
\ No newline at end of file
url: library
- page: Press Kit
url: press-kit
\ No newline at end of file
- year: 2014
- month: April
- name: Launched on Bitcointalk
date: 2014-04-18
status: completed
- name: Renamed from Bitmonero to Monero
date: 2014-04-23
status: completed
- month: September
- name: Recovered from a spam attack
date: 2014-09-04
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Papers 1 and 2 published
date: 2014-09-12
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 3 published
date: 2014-09-25
status: completed
- month: December
- name: released
date: 2014-12-08
status: completed
- year: 2015
- month: January
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 4 published
date: 2015-01-26
status: completed
- year: 2016
- month: January
- name: 0.9.0 Hydrogen Helix released
date: 2016-01-01
status: completed
- month: February
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 5 published
date: 2016-02-10
status: completed
- month: March
- name: Network Upgrade to require minimum ringsize of 3 on all transactions
date: 2016-03-22
status: completed
- month: September
- name: 0.10.0 Wolfram Warptangent released
date: 2016-09-18
status: completed
- name: Network Upgrade to split coinbase into denominations
date: 2016-09-21
status: completed
- month: December
- name: 0.10.1 Wolfram Warptangent released
date: 2016-12-14
status: completed
- name: Official GUI Beta 1 released
date: 2016-12-22
status: completed
- year: 2017
- month: January
- name: Network Upgrade to enable RingCT transactions
date: 2017-01-05
status: completed
- month: February
- name: 0.10.2 released; critical vulnerability patched
date: 2017-02-22
status: completed
- month: March
- name: Wolfram Warptangent released
date: 2017-03-27
status: completed
- month: April
- name: Network Upgrade to adjust minimum blocksize and dynamic fee algorithm
date: 2017-04-15
status: completed
- month: July
- name: Website redesigned
date: 2017-07-04
status: completed
- month: September
- name: Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: Fluffy blocks
date: 2017-09-07
status: completed
- name: GUI out of beta
date: 2017-09-10
status: completed
- name: Network Upgrade to increase minimum ringsize to 5 and require RingCT transactions
date: 2017-09-15
status: completed
- name: GUI Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-09-24
status: completed
- name: 0MQ/ZeroMQ
date: September, 2017
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Subaddresses
date: October, 2017
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 6 published
date: 2017-10-03
status: completed
- name: Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-10-25
status: completed
- name: GUI Helium Hydra released
date: 2017-10-27
status: completed
- month: December
- name: Multi-signatures (multisig)
date: December, 2017
status: completed
- year: 2018
- month: March
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-03-24
status: completed
- month: April
- name: GUI Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-04-04
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightV2
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: Network upgrade to increase minimal ringsize to 7, integrate multisig, subaddresses, and change PoW algo
date: 2018-04-06
status: completed
- name: Localization in French and Polish
date: 2018-04-24
status: completed
- month: May
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-05-23
status: completed
- month: June
- name: Ledger Hardware Wallets Support
date: 2018-06-04
status: completed
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-06-04
status: completed
- month: July
- name: Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-07-23
status: completed
- name: GUI Lithium Luna released
date: 2018-07-27
status: completed
- month: August
- name: Kovri alpha release
date: 2018-08-01
status: completed
- name: Moneropedia open for Localization
date: 2018-08-03
status: completed
- name: Localization in Arabic
date: 2018-08-10
status: completed
- month: October
- name: Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-11
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-14
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightV3
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Implementation of Bulletproofs to reduce transaction sizes
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Network upgrade to increase minimal ringsize to 11, integrate Bulletproofs, update fees calculation algorithm, and change PoW algo
date: 2018-10-18
status: completed
- name: Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-10-25
status: completed
- month: Nobember
- name: Monero Research Lab Papers 8 and 9 published
date: 2018-11-01
status: completed
- name: GUI Beryllium Bullet released
date: 2018-11-19
status: completed
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 7 published
date: 2018-11-26
status: completed
- month: December
- name: Monero Research Lab Paper 10 published
date: 2018-12-04
status: completed
- name: Implementation of Monero Messaging System (MMS) to automate multisig wallets information exchange
date: 2018-12-20
status: completed
- year: 2019
- month: February
- name: Localization in German
date: 2019-02-11
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-02-25
status: completed
- month: March
- name: GUI Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-03-01
status: completed
- name: New Community Crowdfunding System (CCS) to replace the Forum Funding System (FFS)
date: 2019-03-06
status: completed
- name: Boron Butterfly released
date: 2019-03-08
status: completed
- name: New Proof of Work CryptoNightR
date: 2019-03-09
status: completed
- name: Localization in Brazilian-Portuguese and Dutch
date: 2019-03-12
status: completed
- name: Trezor Hardware Wallets Support
status: ongoing
- name: Pruning nodes
status: ongoing
- name: Broadcast transaction over Tor
status: upcoming
- name: tini2p integration
status: upcoming
- name: Kovri Integration
status: upcoming
- name: Return address
status: upcoming
- month: May
- name: "DLSAG: Non-Interactive Refund Transactions For Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero"
- month: July
- name: Blockchain pruning
- name: Trezor model T support
- name: Ledger Nano X support
- name: Tor & I2P CLI wallet integration
- name: Multisig Messaging System
- month: October
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- month: November
- name: "Localization platform change: from Pootle to Weblate"
- name: Pay for service system using mining (RPC-Pay)
- name: IPv6 support
- name: Standalone (long) payment ID support removed
- name: GUI automatic remote nodes discovering and switching option
- name: New Proof of Work RandomX
status: upcoming
- year: 2020
- name: Anonymity network aggregator for data transmission
status: upcoming
- month: February
- name: Getmonero translatable on Weblate
- month: March
- name: GUI released
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Onion address for
- name: Implementation of the Dandelion++ protocol
- name: Wallet scanning speedups (support for supercop ASM)
- name: Concise linkable spontaneous anonymous group (CLSAG) signatures
- name: "Triptych: logarithmic-sized linkable ring signatures with applications"
- name: "Kastelo: open source hardware wallet"
- name: Second-layer solutions for speed and scalability
status: upcoming
- name: Additional MRL research papers
status: upcoming
- month: Coming Soon
- name: Return addresses
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