ErCiccione: Multiple features and fixes for
The website needs improvements and I would like to dedicate more time to it, if accepted, this proposal will allow me to fix some long standing issues and add some needed features.
I realized that I always end up working way more hours than decleared in the CCS, so for this one I'm using a different, delivery based, approach:
I listed the issues I want to work on below. This proposal will be considered complete once all the issues mentioned are resolved and closed. The specific implementation of each issue will be based on feedbacks from the community, but most of them are self-explanatory.
Overhaul of the 'Downloads' page
I already started working on this issue. Right now I cannot afford to dedicate much time to it, but as soon as this proposal is accepted I'll make it my first priority. I will also contact translators asking them to translate the new page, but i cannot give a timeframe for when the translations will be ready, since that entirely depends on the translators themselves.
Onion mirror of
I think would be beneficial for the website to have a .onion mirror. The community expressed interest in this, but nobody went ahead and created it. The onion website would be managed by me, but right after the launch I will propose the core team to hand them the credentials. If they accept, good, otherwise, I will maintain it.
Add user guide on how to use bootstrapped blockchain
As explained in the issue, we provide the blockchain, but we don't say how to use it. I will create a user guide where all the steps are explained.
Improve 'Accepting Monero' section
THe Accepting Monero section is very old and technical, I want to update it and make it much simpler. All details in my comment on the issue.
monero-site#992 (comment 7283)
Add CI
I want to implement GitLab's Continuous Integration system, to allow us to automatically test the website and new PRs (something similar to the buildbots we have on GitHub). This will make life easier for maintainers and contributors. I will work with moneromooo (for installing the runner on our GitLab instance) and luigi1111 to make this happen. The resulting structure can be used by other repositories on the GitLab instance.
Add reference to mailing list
Add structure for localized videos
This is something that has been in my todo list for some time. I think would be cool to give people the opportunity to have the video on the homepage of getmonero in their language. We already have the Brazilian Portuguese version waiting to be uploaded.
Add link or section where it's possible to download marketing material
Milestones and reward
As said at the beginning, this is a project-based CCS. It should be considered completed when all the points mentioned above are resolved. I'm asking 3000 Euros, at the rate of 1 XMR = 49 eur EUR makes a total of 60 XMR
, to be rewarded at completition.
Merge request reports
@sgp I consider the onion mirror one of the main points in this proposal and the (rough) cost of one year of hosting is included. I think it's very important to have an uncensorable version of Getmonero and people pop up and ask for the onion mirror regularly. I'm not sure how to quantify it, but would be a significant part of the proposal, since the mirror is the point that need the biggest amount of maintainance long term (needs to be constantly updated and monitored). If others share the opinion that it's not an important point to work on i would just remove it and rethink the proposal, but i disagree it should be removed.
I didn't really look at the technicality involved for an I2P mirror, so i cannot really answer you, but as said on reddit, i hope somebody else would take the initiative for that. Anyway i will definitely look into it after the onion mirror is up, so that i could help somebody to set it up.
Thanks @erciccione. In my opinion, having a much larger repository of updated data on the normal clearnet is most important for most users. While I agree onion hosting is a nice to have, I would rather see doubled efforts on the website content itself. If I'm in the minority opinion, don't hold up this proposal because of me.
Edited by Justin Ehrenhofer@sgp i see your point. I think this proposal will allow me to dedicate more time to the website in general, reguardless of the goals listed. If the community feels like it, i could open another one after, entirely dedicated to improvements for the website itself.
mentioned in commit 5fda100b
I use Tor, but I cannot be bothered to memorize onion URLs for non-interactive websites. So I am with @sgp on this. Depending on how much of the expense is attributable to that part it might be feasible to single it out into a separate CCS request. Count me in on the rest though.
mentioned in merge request !111 (merged)
All issues mentioned have been resolved or are waiting to have the PR fixing them merged, except 2, which are not in the issue tracker:
Mirror of Getmonero on Tor: Fluffypony said they intended to launch an hidden service on the getmonero server before the mess with the compromised binaries. According to him, with the current setup should be even easier. I created 2 PR in preparation, but the actual deployment as hidden service is not in my hands, so we have to wait pony for that. I will montor the repo before and after the deployment to make sure there are no issues. The onion mirror should be up sometime next week.
Gitlab's CI: moneromooo installed a runner which from now on we can use to test every PR (i already PRd the config file: monero-site!1182 (merged)).
These were the last 2 missing points. I will consider this proposal completed once all related issues in the issue tracker will be actually resolved and the Onion mirror will be online.
In the meantime, i opened a new CCS proposal for working on the website part time for the next 3 months. Please leave a comment: !111 (merged)