VostoEmisio Animated Core Concept Videos
Hey everyone!
Since this is my first CCS proposal, I thought I'd give you a quick intro to who we are:
I run a marketing company in the traditional space. Here, we work under the name "VostoEmisio,". We've already done some work for Monero and other privacy-centric projects. Our journey began in early 2022 when we helped Rucknium revamp the logo and branding for these two projects: https://bchmempool.cash/ https://beta.redteam.cash/
This year, we won the Monerokon 3 Design Proposal (www.monerokon.com), and we're currently working on brand refreshing and marketing for Firo: https://forum.firo.org/t/fcs-proposal-firo-3-month-trial-marketing-contract/2905/4
However, we haven't had the chance to show off our skills in motion assets and animation yet. As a long-time Monero user, I find it frustrating when browsing crypto-Twitter and seeing basic misconceptions like "infinite supply," "can't scale," and "dynamic block size???" still being spread, particularly by the uninformed "BTC maxis."
So, I propose that we create an animation series featuring short (1 min or so), ELI5-style explainer videos that break down the key concepts of how Monero works in a simple and digestible way that could easily be shared every time we, the community, face misleading comments. I suggest we start with one video and, if the result is satisfactory, create more based on the community's preferred topics.
Promise and assurances:
- With the budget for this proposal, we're confident we can deliver quality on par with this example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYOSfEgF32Y&ab_channel=XPLAI
- Completion expiry date set to 4 months post-approval for this proposal
- Open-sourcing the project materials after completion
If that sounds good to you all, I'd be happy to jump into the details and start working on the script and storyboard. I would like to start with ( as our name vosto emisio also springs from), the tail emission concept.
Regarding the budget, we're not sure, but we're willing to try this out for 9 XMR for the first video. We can adjust the amount up or down after we see how the first project goes since this would be our first official collaboration with the community. I believe this project will take about a month to complete, maybe a bit longer since this is our first time working with the community.
Any questions or thoughts?
Merge request reports
I can vouch for Vosto, they have already demonstrated their skills through multiple projects in the community. Their work is of very high quality and delivery is quick.
Short, easy-to-understand videos explaining the key concepts of Monero would be a great response to FUD comments/tweets.
The cost-reward ratio of this proposal is insanely good, especially when compared to the last animation proposal. Do we still have earmarked funds left over from that? If yes, I'd suggest to give those to Vosto.
Vosto has knocked it out of the park on every art project I've assigned to him over the past two years. To give a recent example: In early March, I found out that Monerokon 2023 was still looking for an art design. Despite the fact that I found out late and the proposal would require a very quick turn around (~3 days), Vosto happily accepted my request to work up a design and produced an incredibly professional concept that the community gladly accepted. I am fully confident with time Vosto will be able to produce quality animated content that can be used to educate new Monero users.
- Resolved by Vosto Emisio
- Resolved by Vosto Emisio
- Resolved by Vosto Emisio
Some things/promises written in the proposal i would like to see:
- Quality samples (1~ second) - reviewers of previous animated proposals had mentioned "noise" and other terms i was unaware of. Declare that the video produced from this ccs will be the same/better quality as the samples.
- Expiry date after proposal gets funded (e.g. x months).
- a loose consensus from the community when moving forward with each step of the process (concepts/storyboards)
- All source materials used to create the video to be hosted for a minimum period after video is released that would enable the video to be easily altered by you/others in the future (e.g. text/audio added/translated, video extension or edits)
For funding, my vote at the moment would be for this to be its own CCS / follow the normal procedures.
In terms of gathering feedback from community meetings - i am unsure about the time frames for this with the recent spell of inactivity due to, i assume, May~ vacation time. Will update you when the next one is asap
Hey @plowsofff ,
For now, we have not yet created any animation or motion videos under the "VostoEmisio" label. However, with the budget for this proposal, we're confident we can deliver quality on par with this example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYOSfEgF32Y&ab_channel=XPLAI.
Should the proposal receive funding, we can agree on an expiry date set to 4 months post-approval.
Establishing a framework sounds like a great idea that would enable progress and eliminate potential hurdles.
As for open-sourcing the project materials, we're fully supportive of that. Once we the project's wrapped, we'll make everything publicly available.
At a recent community meeting merging this proposal was agreed upon. We have an animated videos proposal officially in limbo (proposer closed/alot of support for closing it) with funds remaining. My personal reasons for asking the community to fund this proposal instead of re-using those funds are:
- Does the community still have an interest in animated videos? if this achieves funding it will help us gauge this.
- If 1 turns out to be true, we can see how this CCS plays out. We can have a more informed discussion about deciding what to do with the other animated videos proposal e.g. ask the community if VostoEmisio can take it over and create several videos from it.
My only suggestions for you @VOSTOEMISIO now would be to include some of the short animations you have recently made for events.. then i see no reason why not to merge this asap
Edited by plowsoff
mentioned in commit 2408808f
mentioned in merge request !385 (merged)
Hey all,
We are finally ready to show our work on the animated explainer about "Tail emission" - Please see it here: https://youtu.be/vjn9l3hG4ME?si=kKIB0uWColoY5AC6 Looking forward to any comments and/or feedback.
SOURCE FILES: https://drive.proton.me/urls/7MS1D581MW#Cdk5n05LOqlF
Payout adress: 87GeGUaGe4N5SrQbCKkH12ctsLvBzC4wcZoe9GRHES2mBj8wjqquPDZXK8J4abNEdqYaS3x3dKNrMde1RaG61BvyEdBf6Vm
Thanks! // VOSTO
Edited by Vosto Emisiomentioned in merge request !308 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !473 (closed)